celebrities & mochas

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"Mrs. Valentino! Mrs. Valentino!"

Is all Antonella heard.

"Yes? Yes? What?" She said looking around the busy office.

"I need this revised–the first copy was alright but we need it to be perfected by the end of today for next weeks segment." Amina ordered handing Antonella a few stacks of magazine layouts.

"Oh–Mrs! I've been looking for you forever! I need the pictures and articles put out in a layout by the end of tomorrow–they go out the next day! They need to be in top shape!–no pressure!"

"Hey! Ghost Girl! Coffee please!"

"Wait?! I'm not an assistant–I'm an intern!" Antonella yelled as she closed the door to her office behind her.

She slumped in her seat as she placed the papers on her once organized desk.

Everyone was nice to her and warmly welcomed her, but this was her "job" and things had to be done.

Soon the door opened and she groaned and laid her head on the desk.

"Aw, I thought you'd be more excited to see me." Zayn said.

"Oh my god! Yes! Hello! Restore my humanity!" She said and he laughed.

"I thought I'd bring you food. Chinese." He said.

She stared at him skeptically.

"Honey chicken?"


"With chicken and broccoli?"


"With noodles."


"And fried rice And two egg rolls?"

"And iced tea." He said and placed the food on her desk.

"Oh god bless your soul." She said and opened the styrofoam box.

"Where's the soy sauce?"

"Oops," Zayn said and dug in his pocket. "There you go." He said and tossed three soy sauce packets at her.

"So how's your day been going?" He asked.

"Seeing as to how I was a whole day and 5 hours late the work was accumulated so much to the point where you can't even see my desk anymore–"

"Yea.. sorry about that."

"No it's fine, if we hadn't gone I wouldn't have met Gigi." She said and ate.

"So you took photos–And I think your eating on them." Zayn stated.

"Oh god," She said and looked at the pictures. "This is for the magazine that come out tomorrow! I don't want these out there!" She said.

"Oh look there's Gigi!" She said.

"That's.. not her." Zayn said.

"Did I already forget what she looks like? Geez."

"Is she in there at all?" He asked.

out of the ordinary // z.j.m.Where stories live. Discover now