high notes & phone numbers

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They had gotten to the restaurant that Zayn chose for the day.

"Wait. Aren't you like famous famous–won't paparazzi come or whatever ?" Antonella said before getting out of the car.

"We'll get seats in the back. Meanwhile, wear these." Zayn said and handed her a pair of sunglasses.

She nodded and put them one. She followed behind Zayn into the restaurant.

"Zayn. This is freaking fancy as shit and here I am looking like shit." Antonella said becoming insecure that everyone would stare at her.

"You look fine. Nobody even cares. As long as you pay and keep quiet they don't care–"

"Welp we're screwed !" Antonella said loudly; capturing the attention of others.

"You just don't know when to quit it do you?" Zayn said.

"Did I ever?" She replied smirking.

Zayn rolled his eyes as he chuckled and got a table in the back for the both of them.

– – –

"Okay, alright. I think I've heard of that one! Oh my god–the high note. Kills me every time." Antonella said.

Zayn had been telling her about his experience in the band and they were talking about You & I.

Zayn couldn't help but smile.

"What?" She asked, sipping her drink.

"That's my part." Zayn said slyly.

"Well, you are very talented, Zayn Malik." She smiled and as did he.

"So you have heard of the band." Zayn asked.

"Well, yea. Kind of hard to avoid the biggest boyband in the world. But I never really looked into One Direction, hence the fact I didn't know you were in it." She said and he nodded.

"Will you listen to my new music? Probably better then anything I did in One Direction." Zayn stated.

"That You & I highnote is making it hard to believe you. But sure I'll give it a shot and help pay your rent." She said and Zayn laughed.

"Cheers to that." He said and raised his glass.

"So have you kept ties with anyone from high school?" Zayn asked

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"So have you kept ties with anyone from high school?" Zayn asked.

"No, not really. You?"

"Please. Once they found out who I was in the music business and what I did and how much I made while doing it, you bet your ass people tried to befriend me–"

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