chocolate & lasagna

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After that, Zayn left the office with a slamming door.

Antonella couldn't even process what just happened.

Of coarse she was mad–furious even.

But she couldn't stop thinking of that kiss.

Just when she was going to start convincing herself NOT to fall for Zayn.

"Fuck!" She groaned as she ran her hands through her hair.

But Antonella couldn't be bothered by Zayn's little tantrum. She had deadlines, she had just gotten into Anna's good graces so she wasn't going to get side tracked now.

— — —

6 hours later

"Antonella, go home. Everyone's leaving." Marc said.

"What?" She said and looked at the clock.
"Oops, sorry." She said laughing.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"What? Why? I mean I'm fine." She said.

"Stop lying."

"Oh no, you heard?" She said covering her face.

"The entire office heard."

She groaned.

"Don't worry, no one cares. We all have our own problems to worry about." He said, giving her a smile.

"Really? You're not just saying that?" She said.

"Oh yea. Totally, have you met Anna?" He asked and they laughed.

"Well. Thanks. And to answer your question, yes I am good." She said but he didn't believe her.

"Truly! I have nothing to be upset about. I've done nothing wrong."

Meanwhile Zayn, was beating himself up for acting the way he did.

"What the hell was I thinking?" He said drinking his bourbon.

He didn't know why he got so mad Gigi wasn't in the commercial. It was Antonella's job and he should respect that.

"And then I kiss her." He groaned.

"Then I call her a bitch."

"Great going, Zayn, you really proved yourself this time." He spoke to himself.

After a few drinks he was done for the night.

But before going to sleep he texted Antonella.

Z : mdkrry, i acted like a duck

Antonella receive the message while driving so she decided to ignore it.

Once she got home she grabbed her phone and saw the text.

"Ugh. Fuck off, Malik." She said and locked her phone before changing into comfortable clothes.

  — — —

At 2:56 in the morning Antonella got a knock on her bedroom door.

"Entre, Tia." She said, assuming it was her aunt.

"Um, Zayn's here." Luisa said.

"What? Why? I don't wanna see him." She said and rolled over.

"Anto... I found him in the streets walking." She said.

"Aye! Tanto que molesta!" She whined and got out of bed.

Luisa got back to her bedroom meanwhile Antonella went downstairs to see and tired eyed, messy hair having Zayn.


"Zayn go home."

"No! Not until you accept my apology!"

"I accept your apology."

"That was half assed!" He claimed.

"Well fuck, Zayn. What do you want me to do? You come into my office, yell at me because you dislike something then insult me ! Not to mention humiliating me in front of all my co workers ! Plus kissing me without me wanting to—while having a girlfriend, too!" She exclaimed.

"I know, I know. I-I have no excuse to justify my actions but–but I'm sorry. I really am. It won't happen again." Zayn said. "Look, I'll even get on my knees." 
He said and did.

Antonella laughed.

"I brought lasagna." He said and showed her the container.

"Please, Anto. I really like that you're back in my life and–and I don't want to lose you." He said looking up to her.

"I hate you, Malik." She said smiling and took the container.

Zayn instantly started smiling and hugged Antonella.

"Too tight, too tight." She said tapping his arm.

"Embrace me, peasant." He said and she pinched his side.



"My aunt said she found you walking,"


"What if paparazzi got pictures of you? Coming to my house? My aunt picking you up ?!" She said and started falling into an oblivion of negative thoughts.

"It's fine, they'll get pictures but honestly I was just holding this container." He said.

She nodded.

"Shall we?" She asked, suggesting they eat.

"We shall." He responded and got out two plates and wine glasses.

He served her.

"Add this to my apology." He said while pouring the white wine.

She took a bite of the lasagna.

"You used the mushroom sauce!" She said extremely happy, maybe too happy; especially about food.

"I know." He said.

They smiled at each other.

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