OMGs & car nicknames

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a/n : for those who don't know who Anna Wintour is, she's basically the Art Director for Vogue. She's a queen. Look her up.

 Look her up

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Antonella immediately started shaking.

"Stop trembling, dear. You've already got the internship." Anna said.

Antonella tried to smile through the panic.

"Y-You're right. But it's just that–And I'll probably sound like I'm a total cliché or wanting to kiss up to the boss but," Antonella said and locked eyes with Anna and took a breath. "You are my role model. Since I was 12 years of age I fell into the marvelous world that is fashion . I knew exactly what I wanted to be, where I wanted to work and how I was going to get there. I wanted to be like you–And I still do. So I followed in your footsteps. I read fashion blogs, magazines, I spent over $500 in books of the history of Vogue–I even went to the extent of getting the bob hairstyle like you in 8th grade. But then reality gave me a rain check and told me it wasn't working out. That is when I figured that I didn't have to be like you, I just had to be better." Antonella said, surprised she was able to still speak comprehensible english.

"Well, you are certainly ambitious and you say what you mean and don't take it back! You also know what you want in life." Anna spoke. "I made a wise decision choosing you," Anna said, noticing the wide smile creeping upon Antonella's face. "Don't show me otherwise." Anna snapped.

"You will not regret it." Antonella said.

"So. You know Zayn. He's very successful." She spoke.

"Yes," Antonella said. "Yes, he is." She said.

"How do you know him? Because last time I checked Zayn wasn't a very.. –He isn't a person with a lot of friends."

"He's a loner," Antonella said and Anna laughed. " No, but I understand. He's not close with most but he's great.. he's come a long way. I'm very proud." Antonella spoke.

Anna noticed that all the while Antonella was talking about Zayn, her eyes sparkled.

"Well, now that I've learned your intentions, shall we go?" Anna said.

"Yea, sure." She said thinking about the pile of work probably accumulating on her desk.

"Why do you scowl? Don't you know it will cause you wrinkles–and it's not like those creams will do you any justice." Anna spoke sipping her drink.

Antonella laughed a bit.

"Well then. No, I'm just thinking about the work on my desk–not that I mind. I know what I signed up for." She said.

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