posture & manipulation

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Antonella didn't mind that Gigi worked here, she actually couldn't wait to meet i her.

"Hello, Lydia." Zayn said and I looked at the lady who didn't let me use the phone yesterday.

"Hello, Mr. Malik & hello, Mrs. May I help you?" The lay asked politely.

"Yes, yesterday did a lady come in here? Dirty and wet?" Antonella said.

"Oh yes, I recall a lady coming in here asking to use the phone."

"Yea.. If you ever see her again, don't let her in ; she's crazy." Antonella said and Zayn chuckled shaking his head.

Antonella walked away before Lydia could even respond.

"She's crazy? Hm doesn't seem so far from the truth." Zayn said and Antonella simply smiled sipping her coffee.

"So what's Gigi like?" She asked.

"Oh she's–great. Beautiful. Even when I had asked for a break she still was there supporting me, of coarse keeping her distance but she was there nonetheless. She seems very bitchy but she's very kind and genuine once you get to know her." Zayn said smiling widely; Antonella noticed this.

"Hmm, seems like a keeper," Antonella said smiling at Zayn, then her smile dropped, " Don't fuck it up."

"W-What? I won't." Zayn said more like convincing himself than Antonella.

The elevator got to stop.

"Wait this isn't my floor–"

"Lets meet Gigi!" Zayn said with jazz hands while stepping out of the elevator.


They both heard someone yell. Antonella was startled but Zayn wasn't.

"Geez, Seems like someone's having a bad day

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"Geez, Seems like someone's having a bad day." Antonella said stepping into the studio.

Bright stage lights were put up, cameras ready to take marvelous pictures at any time. White backgrounds with slim, tall girls standing in front of it, oversized fans blowing their pretty hair back. Racks of outfits ready for the intermission of the picture process, makeup booths illuminated with white LED fairy lights, the marble countertops littered with make up products. And finally the people. Camera directors instructing poses, lighting settings, fan settings and angles all for the one shot. The photographers clicking away. Make up artists being shooed away by the models.

Just standing there Antonella felt like she was causing some type of disruption in the high maintenance pace these people had set.

"That was Gigi..." Zayn mumbled, snapping Antonella out of her minds whereabouts.

"She, uh.. sounds lovely-"

"Zaynie!" She heard someone squeal and soon Zayn was being hugged by a slim, fair skinned, blonde. Not to mention all she was wearing was a pastel pink, silk robe.

out of the ordinary // z.j.m.Where stories live. Discover now