presentations & bitches

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Antonella woke up to her aunt nearly knocking down her door telling her to get up.

"Antonella you're going to be late, don't you have a presentation?!" Luisa yelled, remembering Antonella wouldn't shut up about this presentation.

That most definitely woke her up.

"No, no. Not a presentation—meeting! I have a damn meeting!" She said while finding her outfit she chose last night.

 Not a presentation—meeting! I have a damn meeting!" She said while finding her outfit she chose last night

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"Lets get it." She said taking one last look in the mirror.

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving now! Chau, Tia!" She yelled and sped walk to her car.

She drove to the building as fast as she could while trying not to break any laws.

"I'm here! Hi, Lydia! Bye, Lydia!" She said and got into the elevator then ran to the conference room.

Luckily, no one was there.


Read the clock, she had 13 minutes to get ready.

Soon the room got filled.

It was time.

"Welcome all, I'd like to start off with the commercial edits I did for the September segments."

While the commercial was playing on the projector, Anna walked in and sat in the back, with no one noticing except Antonella.

Once it finished, the lights came back on and Antonella wasn't happy with the faces on some of the people.

"Questions? Suggestions–"

"I thought Gigi Hadid was going to be in it?" A man asked Antonella, interrupting her.

"Uh, yes well a change in plans, Gigi was going to be in it but there were already so many scenes with different models that don't usually get put out there that had better than the scenes with Gigi and she's a common face–long story short the other models' scenes were better." Antonella said inhaling and took a glance at Anna who simply nodded.

"Yes, but Gigi is kind of like the face of Vogue along with Kendall Jenner–They're faces people like to see." A lady added.

"And I understand that–although I disagree with them being the faces of Vogue , but the point is that Gigi's scenes weren't good. This commercial was to be–and I quote "Free, Natural, Fun." Gigi looked too sophisticated, too stiff." Antonella said, really getting irritated with the bias claims these people said.

"But Gigi–" Someone tried.

"IF!" Antonella said with a much harder tone, getting everyone's attention. "If we aren't going to use the other models in our advertisements what is the point of having them around? These people have potential, use them." She said and everyone shut up.

Anna just leaned back in her seat and smiled.

— — —

The conference had just ended and Antonella was walking to her office and once the door closed she squealed  and started dancing.

The conference had just ended and Antonella was walking to her office and once the door closed she squealed  and started dancing

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"Someone's happy." She heard someone say and she dropped to the floor.

"Oh my gosh! Zayn!" She said as she laughed.

"The best thing just happened," She said as she got up. "So I showed people the commercial and they just started giving me shit for not putting Gigi's scene in it and I defended myself to no end! Anna looked at me with so much—Like proudness ! Ugh, it was amazing." She said falling into her chair, smiling like a goof.

But that all came to an end when she saw Zayn's facial expression.

"A-Aren't you happy? I just totally beat them—"

"Um, so let me get this straight," He said chuckling, but you could tell he wasn't laughing with joy. "You're the reason why Gigi didn't get into the commercial?" Zayn said in disbelief.

"I-I, technically yes—"

"Why would you do that?" Zayn asked.

"Well, Zayn, I'm going to tell you the same thing I told them, the other models' scenes were better." She said and Zayn scoffed.

"G, has been doing this since she was a child—there's no way any one of these amateurs could beat her!" He said raising his voice and getting in her face.

"What the hell is your problem, Zayn?! All these models try just as hard as Gigi–or even harder! So I'm sorry if you're mad that you're girlfriend didn't get into the commercial. Sorry, if you mistook this reunion as a gateway to favors." She said following his actions.

Their faces inches apart.

One could tell they were softening in each others gazes.

Zayn grabs Antonella and kisses her gently.

Zayn grabs Antonella and kisses her gently

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Antonella immediately pulls away.

"No!" She yells as she slaps him. "No, I fucking refuse to let you come in my damn office–fucking yell at me about how i'm doing my damn job. I don't fucking know who you think you are–better yet who you think I am." She said loudly.

"I know exactly who you are," Zayn said.

"You're the same fucking bitch from highschool."

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