On cloud 9

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"HEY!!! JAYYYYYY!!!! ( my brother )
" WHAT YOU ON YOUR PERIOD AGAIN" Jay said. (He just made me mad at him sometimes )
I smile as I see Jackson.
" hey, morning, Jadah "
" morning!! You want pancakes? "
" Of course "
I know what your thinking, why the heck are you taking care of your brother. Well it's a long story, our parents got in a fight with me and brother about what we wanna be with our life's. They didn't like the plan. I felt like they never really liked Jackson as much as me and jay did. They didn't want kids in the first place well that's what I believe. They all named us with a "J" for Juvenile. After we had a our little fight they said they were entered in a contest to win a trip to Hawaii, and they never came back it's been 4 years.

Later on that day after I made my little brother his pancakes. I check my twitter and I noticed I was following only some of the O2l boys and I didn't follow Jc Caylen ( one of my favorites ) and Kian Lawley ( other favorite ). A couple hours later I noticed that I got a private message on twitter and I try to find what who it is when suddenly my heart dropped down my chest it is FREAKIN' JC CAYLEN!! I was about to pissed my freakin' pants then I see what he said then I pissed my pants. It reads " Hey, I know this is completely weird but I noticed you followed me and I found you very attractive and I saw that you were in California. I was asking if you wanted to go movie? " I swear I wanted to pass out.

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