I dont care

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Bye Jc


Jc's POV

I don't know what I just did. At that moment I felt like I've became a monster. I wanted jadah in my life more that anything. She just rubbed her cheek and wided her eyes, shock for what I just said. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't do anything. I lost her again, I can't let this happen. Maybe it's for the best. She deserves better.

Bye Jadah

Jc's Mom's POV

I've been babysitting this little angel for 6 months. I've grown super close to Cassandra. I really don't like her name was I call her Hannah. I know one day they will want to come and get her back, but I won't let that happen. When it's her 9th birthday, I'm gonna take her and go running. This is my chance to start over, with a new child and a didn't place.

Jadah's POV

I really don't know where I am going. Frankly I don't really care. I'm going to my old house with my brothers, I haven't seen them since they didn't like me being pregnant at a young age.

Hope y'all like this short chapter. NEXT CHAPTER ITS GONNA GO DOWN



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