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Location : in hospital

Time : after super bowl

Why : she is getting her mannnnnnnn

Jadah's POV

" Excuse do you know where Jc- I mean Justin Caylen is? "

" OMG your amazing! Your Jadah Starlight!! I love you!!!!! " the lady at the first desk screamed.

" Thanks but I really need to see him like ASAP "

" Can I get your autograph, and a picture and can you sing me jump... Like the whole album, maybe we can became like best friends and get our nails done together and talk about Austin and my husband Bob.

" When I get to Justin caylen maybe that will happen " I really don't care about her wanting to be BFFs with me I just need my jc right how.

" Hey, jadah, he's over here " connor says as I see him in the waiting room

" Okay thanks"

I was sooooo nervous I mean seriously. I mean I seemed so confident when I was on stage but did jc see it. They have tv in hospital room, right? I don't care. But then I realized I still had my costume on from the Super Bowl but whateverrrrrrr mannnnnn.

" Jadah!!! " Jc screamed when I came in.

" Jc, hey. " I said nervously knowing he might seen my performance cause they are tv in the hopsital how nice of them actually cause I bet that's really usefu- what am I doing I should focus on jc.

" I saw you at the Super Bowl "

" You did? " I'm trying to see what his reaction is but he has like a poker face, for all I know he could be thinking he doesn't want me anymore.

" I have something to tell you " he states with a serious voice. What could he possibly need to tell me. Hopefully he is about to put a ring on it if you know what I mean.

" What?"

" I love you soooo much, it hurts my brain just to think about how much I are and love the way you are. Your a great person and I love everything about you. I love your personality. I love your face. I love your sarcasm. I love how you forgot what is happening around you when you get lost in thought. I love it when you kiss me. I love how when we kiss, we start to drool a little and beg for more. I love when you became a model you didn't leave me. I love that your hair was brown and now it's golden ombré looking. I love how you dress to impress. I love how you smile when your sad but don't want people around you sad. I love how you make love to me. I love your waist and how it fits perfectly around my waist. I love that you are always wondered about someone but not yourself. I love how you take care of your brothers. I love when you get nervous you start to think really hard about the most random things. I love how you dance like your a having a heart attack. I love how you sing. I love everything about you. I would go on but I just want to kiss you right now. "

" OMG" I said as I started crying but smiling at the same time.

Then he got down on one knee

" Jadah Starlight, would you do me the honor of being your husband, and taking care of you, treating you how you deserve. Making you breakfast everyday, kissing you goodnight and good morning, making sure you are all cozy at night, protecting you from hate and jealous, making you feel like home is my arms "

" My home is your arms, but where's the ring? "

As the cutest little dog comes in with a pillow between it's teeth and it has a ring on it.

" Seriously, isn't that a bit much " I stated

" Only for you " he said as he grabbed the dog and the ring. Which I had to say is a stunning big ring!


" Your such a girl " he stated

" I'm sorry but I have to say no. "

" What? "

"It's just I'm 21, your 25. We are just a little to young for that. I think we should wait another year or so. I hope you understand "

" I completely understand!! "

" I'm just happy to have my Justin back!!! " I screamed as I hugged him. We started to kiss. OMG this kiss was like no other. It was more fireworks than usual. It was a nuclear explosion that lasted into our heart desired. Jc quickly threw me on the hospital bed. We didn't have a condom but we didn't care at that moment. I started to strip him his hospital gown. He took off my stage dress and threw it across the room. It wasn't cheap but who cares. I started to remove his boxers and I saw it. I mean we did it before it's just I never wanted to looked down stairs if you know what I mean. He has never saw my boobs before and I was a bit nervous.

The rest is history. I didn't finish it cause my best friend reads my Fanfiction and she doesn't like the sex scenes.

** 2 weeks later **

Jc's POV

" She's pregnant, jadah is pergo. I was happy until "

** Flashback ( a week ago ) **

" We have to kill the baby " jay stated as we told him our news. Me and jadah were shocked why did he wanted to kill the baby I mean seriously why? I didn't want him to and either did jadah. We knew we wouldn't be able to raise the baby so we decided will give it to my mom. And so Jadah has to go hiding, cause people can't know she's pregnant.

** a year later **

Jadah had the baby it's a healthy baby girl. She had blue eyes which was weird cause me and jadah both don't have blue eyes. Our baby girl had golden thick curls. Me and jadah didn't have golden blonde hair tho. Jadah was mixed with black and white. Her dad was white and she noticed that her dad's mom had curly blonde hair and blue bright eyes. Oh I didn't tell you what her name was........

Comment down below on what you think the baby's name should be. I hope y'all like this chapter and yes A PLOT TWIST!!!!

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