Is he okay?

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Jc's POV

I don't know what I've been doing with my life lately. I mean without jadah. I felt like I had no purpose. I just wanted the pain to go away. I started to cut myself. One night I got really bored so I turned on the tv then I remember the Kid's Choice Awards were on tonight! I know I'm not a kid but hey I mean it's always good. I noticed a really cute couple as I saw the back of them. Then they turned around and I see my true love with him! It was that MOTHER F/$:):. I can't believe it! It's true, she cheated on me. I was about to take her back! I don't know what to do now. I took my knife and I cut my throat a little then I blanked out.

Jadah's POV

It was a great night! Austin won every award he was in! Then as we were about to go the after party. I looked at my phone and I noticed this

" Ricky - 30 missed calls "

" Connor - 25 missed calls "

" Kian - 27 misses calls "

Why were they blowing up my phone?!?

I called ricky and what he told me made me wanna die in a hole. Did he say what I thought he said. Not jc! He wouldn't? Would he? For me? Why me? Why now? Why?


Jadah's POV

This can't be happening!! Jc is the love of my life! I would alway love him him more that any thing!!

Phone call convo with Connor

" hey why you blowing up my phone? "

" Jc tried to kill himself because of you and austin! He might be dead "

" What?! For Me? Why me? OMG I can't take this!! Where is he?! " I said crying ruining my make up but I don't care. I just wanna go the hospital and now

" He's in a hospital by your house "

I ran to the hospital and austin looked confused but I really didn't care! I don't love austin! I love jc! When I got there I saw Connor and he told me what in didn't want to hear " you are to late "

My heart dropped. I cried and cried. Then

" jc is awake " the nurse yells at us

We all looked surprised and we ran! Then the lady stopped us and he wants to know who's here. We have our names. The lady quickly returned and said he wants to see Jadah. I was in shocked after what happened.

" Hey " I said awkwardly

" I am gonna be gone for a while, I know it, I am gonna come back. I want you to mov-"

" I'm not. You should know, we are gonna get married and have kids. I know it. I just do so I might date austin but that don't mean shit to me. I only care about you "

He grinned and he said " how many kids? "

" 4 "

" Oh god. Oh okay " he laughed. His smile disappeared then mouthed " I love you. " I knew he was going into a coma for a while and I yelled I love you too but he didn't hear me. I knew he didn't hear it but I know he knows that already.

** 2 years later **

Jc is still in coma. I'm still with Austin but yet it means nothing, he is just a filler. Austin had a great idea that I start a music career and I did. I was pretty popular too! I got the call that I get to preform on the Super Bowl in a week! I couldn't wait!!

** a week later **

It's almost time for my performance then I get a call.

" Hello? "

" Hey, it's Connor. Jc is awake "

I dropped my phone and I was in shock I felt like I had to choose my career or my love?

Sorry for short chapter!! But I have to update my other story! What do you jadah will choose?

Catch you on the flip side,

Alexandria 💕

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