Chapter 11

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A loud, piercing sound rang in my ears, growing as the seconds ticked by.

My entire body felt heavy, as my eyelids felt like they had been sewn shut.

The ringing subsided, as voices now came apparent in my range of hearing.

"No...I don't know..." "...She lost a lot of blood!..." "...Yeah come on..."

I know I've heard these voices before, but from where, I had no idea. They faded in and out, like a realistic dream.

Maybe this was a dream. Just a huge, horific dream that I have been living for the past 7 years.

But, then my convincing of being a dream, was blown to bits, as total realization dawned on me that I was in fact, alive.

I felt my body being lifted, like I had suddenly been freed of a million tons.

An intense pain shot through my chest, as my arm limped, like it was being pulled back down to the earth.

"" " I got her..."

I felt a pair of fingers brushing strands of my hair out of my face. "You hang in there Sunshine." This voice sounded much closer to me than the others, I could practically feel it vibrate through my body.

Then, I was being set down, on what felt to be cool leather. I sighed, as my entire body limped, my movement uncontrolled.

I wanted to get up. To be able to tell these voices that I was okay. Although, to say I was okay was an understatement.

My shoulder, no, my entire right side, hurt like a bitch. My skin was numb, but it felt like someone had torn open the muscles in my shoulder, leaving me to bleed out.

That was another thing, I had a raging headache. I was extremely woozy, like I had been doped on a shit ton of pain killers.

I heard an engine start, as a body sat beside me. Whatever I was laying on, began to jump and rock underneath me, as we began to move.

"C'mon Nebula, you've got to stay with me..."

That was the last thing I heard, before I completely blacked out.


I felt my brain begin to wake up, as my senses kicked in.

I breathed in, the smell of sunshine and cigerettes filled my lungs.

I tried to move, but it felt like I had been magnetized to the bed I lay on.

A sigh escaped my lips, as I just focused on my eyes.

They twitched, as I forced them to pry open. They finally accepted, as they opened a sliver.

I used all the strength I had, to fully bring them open. Sunlight infiltrated my eyesockets, forcing me to look away.

I examined the room I was in.

It was plain, and boring. The walls were a cream color, decorated with random objects, and hung up lights. It wasn't any room I haf seen before.

A window sat on the wall beside me, illuminating the room with warm light.

I groaned, as I looked down at my shoulder. It had been patched up, a speckle of blood soakimg the white fabric.

I inhaled, as I wrenched my body upwards into sitting position. I expected my shoulder to hurt more than it did, but to my surprise, it was pretty numb.

I swung my legs over the side, burying my face into my hands. I wiped the tiredness from my eyes, as I attempted to get up.

Just as I was getting ready to stand, the door to my room swung open.

"Nebula! You're up." It was Jet, I knew from the minute I saw his sweet smile.

I nodded lightly. His smile suddenly faded, curving downward into a frown.

He walked over to my bed, helping me stand. I attempted a smile, but it didn't work so well.

It was like my smile was broken. Something was horribly wrong, I could feel it. But I wasn't sure what it was, yet.

He brushed his fingers across the side of my face, comforting me.

"Let me go get Party, he'll want to see you. Why don't you sit down?" He offered.

I nodded, heading back over to my bed. I sat down, leaning my weight against the wall behind me.

He left the room, returning later, with Party. Party walked in, gazing sadly in my direction.

Jet gave me a sympathetic smile, before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"How you doin' Nebula?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

I shrugged. "I'm good, a little confused. But good." I answered.

He forced a smile. "I'm sorry about what happened..." he spoke, sorrow filling his voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What happened? I can't remember much of anything.

"Your sister?"

My sister? What happened to my sister? I shook my head.

He sighed, running a hand through his red locks. "We were gone, over visiting Dr.D." He explained. "After we left, we ran into a swarm of dracs, and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. Which is how this happened." He gently caressed the bandage over my shoulder.

"One of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W shot you, making the bullet wound worse than the usual. It didn't penetrate too deep, but enough to make you lose a lot of blood. But it's quickly healing, you've only been out for 10 hours or so." He stopped, lifting his eyes to meet mine.

I just sat there, listening while he explained what happened.

"We were winning the battle, killing off dracs by big numbers. But it's when you were shot, was when they took the advantage. Nebula, they have your sister." He said.

My jaw dropped. I felt my eyes brim with tears. But I didn't want to be vulnerable, not in front of Party.

I quickly wiped them away. I nodded, showing that I understood.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair again. "Why don't you go ahead and try to sleep, you need to let your wound heal."

I nodded in agreement, laying my head down onto my pillow.

Tears fell down my face, as I heard the door click behind him.

Look Alive Sunshine -MCR killjoy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now