Chapter Nineteen: Jackpot

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Maeva's point of view

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Maeva's point of view.


"Daniel!" I shriek at the phone, and the guy in the car next to mine jumps in his seat. I ignore his glares, however, and proceed, "You and Stephanie will be hearing from my lawyer, very soon." Oh no! I've used a terrible expression. I should've known better...

"You mean your Mr. Beau face? I'd let him sue me till death do us part," he squeaks, a loud chew only allowing him to formulate half of his words. I swear, that guy cannot stay serious for more than three seconds.

"First of all, he's not mine," I clarify a hint of pink creeping its way up my neck. "Second of all, it's Mr. Poker face." I refuse that the nickname that I've worked so hard to come up with gets violated like that.

As I wait for the green light to grace me with its presence, I complain, "I almost spat my liver back at the gym."

"Wonderful. Steph is doing her job, then." Did I hear him call her Steph? The end is near, I'm telling you...

"Steph? Where in the world did the anie go?" A tiny chuckle escapes his lips as he keeps munching and tearing the life out of whatever fell the victim to his canines.

"Awe, don't worry, ma jolie. All I want from her is to make you sweat your heart out."

"I feel so..." I yelp in my signature melodramatic voice, "betrayed."

Although I've been complaining like a child at Stephanie's workout, in a corner deep deep deep inside my soul, a tiny spec of me does not hate that daily routine of hers. It's only been a week since I started, and despite the cramps, occasional falls and Stephanie's face; I already feel good.

A couple of minutes later, I finally make it to campus and a sting of nostalgia creeps its way to my heart as I remember the bittersweet experience I had on these premises. Tons of papers I wrote, endless presentations I made, and countless exams I sacrificed hours for. Was it worth it, though?

Half a decade I spent, smiling to people while my heart wept and mourned my pathetic state. Although it's well known that one only excels at what he loves most, I've managed to prove the contrary.

Was I fond of the major I enrolled in? NO...

Have I ever anticipated a single course? NO...

Do I look forward to working in the domain? Of course NOT.


Was I good at it? YES

Am I glad I'm finally graduating? YES

Will I work my brain off and pay my student loans? You bet I will.

I've learned the hard way that life will be life. No matter how many mountains of crumpled paper tissues you build, it'll hit you, each time harder than the one before. It'll wait till you turn your back, and will sink the largest, sharpest and dirtiest knife in your back.

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