1 Bullied

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Jacks pov
"You never say that again, and if you do, you're going to have a bad time." He said, his breathing heavy, "you understand?"
"Yes." Felix replied, his voice the quietest I'd ever heard it. Blood slowly trickled down his forehead, where it had been hit by the locker.
"And you!" Mark said, turning to me, "if you tell anyone about this, you'll be dead where you stand."  I nod, trying to avoid eye contact. "You two go now" Mark laughs "I hope you've learnt to not do that again."

I quickly help Felix up and we walk out of school. We find a bench in the park to sit on and there's a long, awkward silence. "So..." I say, "Erm... are you ok?"
"Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" Felix say, wiping away some blood.
"Are you sure, you're bleeding"
"It's only a little cut."
"What are you going to say to your mum?"
"I'll say I fell."

This is the first time that Felix had actually been 'bullied'. For me, well, I'm used to it. But Felix, it started earlier this week. Mark was making fun of him, but today was the first time, he had actually got hit. Mark was doing the usual. Throw me into the locker, search my bag, that kind of stuff. But then Felix saw and tried to stop him. So Mark pushed him into the locker. I wanted to stand up to him but I c-
"Hey, so does that happen to you nearly every day?" Felix asks
I nod.
"OMG, I'm gonna kill him, why does he even bully you anyway?"
"Don't worry about me, anyway if you 'kill him' then he'll kill you harder. Or at least try to kill you. You found that out today. Anyway he doesn't always do that. Sometimes he uses words."
"But words can hurt more."

Felix does have a point. Words can be used against you, to hurt you, they can hurt a lot.
"You gonna cry?"
Words are sometimes even more abusive then punches.
"We all know he left you because he hated you"
Words are dangerous things. Sometimes they kill.
"You're mum. Ha. She didn't-"
I don't want to think about words anymore. Words have hurt me many times.

I felt tears sprout at the corner of my eyes. Memories hurt just as much as words.
"Are you ok?" Felix asks
"Me? Y-yeah I'm fine."
"You're crying."
"N-no I'm n-not"
"Jack, what's wrong?"
"N-nothing. I'm f-fine."
"Sean." Felix only ever calls me by my real name if he's being serious, and that's not very often. So he must really care about me. I'm happy to have a friend like him. I let out a small sigh.
"Well, words do hurt and memories hurt. So add them together and that's a lot of hurtful things." I said, wiping away tears.
"I'm sorry." Felix says
"No, it's fine, I'm glad you're my best friend. You help me through times like this." I smiled at him.
"Hey, you're not too bad yerself." He said the last bit in my accent, well an attempt anyway.
"Oh really?" I rolled my eyes.
"Yer a good laddie in fact. A great friend." He laughed.
"Oh? Sarcasm and a terrible accent. At least I'm not dumb." I say, now saying it in his Swedish accent.
"Well I'm unsure about meself."
"I'm a sad lonely guy that wants more friends."
"I dont know if ... errr...."
"Ha! I win!"
"Fine" Felix sighed, rolling his eyes at me.

____a small time skip. They're outside Felix's house_______

"Are you sure you don't want a lift?" He asked
"I'm fine!"I said
"My mum will be fine with it."
"Felix, I'm fine. I like the fresh air."
"Oh OK, if you're sure."
"Yeah, I'm sure. See ya tomorrow"
"See you."

I kicked a few leaves out my way. I would've loved a lift but the problem is I don't have a home. Well, I do, it's an orphanage. I've been there must of my life. But Felix doesn't know about it. He thinks I live with my dad. It's probably for the best anyway. No one needs to know.

I was two at the time. It's a fuzzy memory but I remember what happened. My mum and dad got into a fight so my mum took me to the orphanage. I remember the words she said to me.
"Don't worry Sean. You'll be fine."
Then four years later I got told my mum and dad were both dead. My dad was in a car crash and my mum died from unknown reasons. I was only six at the time and now years have passed but it still hurts me.

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