2 A dog makes everything better.

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Jacks pov
"Are you ok? You've been really quiet lately." Felix asks. I look up from my food and nod. He gives me a confused look.
"It's just that... my dad is getting a job interview today and I'm worried for him, I hope he gets it!" I lied. I can't tell him about Mark, he will get himself hurt.

Mark hasn't talked to me since that 'thing' happened, I guess I should be happy but my heads just telling me something bad is going to happen. He could use that for anything and I'm scared he may blackmail me. He's blackmailed me before but that was with things that I didn't care if the whole world knew. But this. This is different. I can't let Felix know I'm living like that. I can't let anyone know.

The bell rings and I get up to walk to my next class, art. And I'm excited too. Art is one of the few lessons I actually like here. As I'm walking through the corridor I hear a yell. I turn around... it's coming from the caretakers closet.

I slowly open the door and silently step inside. I see Mark, hitting a kid I've never seen before. I watch as he falls to the ground. I can't just stand there. I have to help him.
So I cough.

Mark turns to me at first he's shocked but then he smiles, "oh, hey idiot. If I were you, I would leave"
But I stay.
"Leave, I said"
But I stand my ground.
"Fine." He says, "you can watch me if you want."
But before he can land a punch in the guys face I grab his fist.
"Excuse me?" He says, turning all his attention to me, "what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
I stand there, then I whisper, "don't hurt him, you're the idiot"
And I'm regretting it as I feel a hard punch hit the side of me jaw. I'm regretting it as he pushes me into the wall. I close my eyes, ready to feel something. But nothing. I slowly open my eyes and I see Mark but... I swear he is scared or worried.
"Fine. I won't." He says, almost whispering. I open my mouth, shocked that he actually did what I said for once. He takes a step back and I pick up the guy and we run out the door.

I turn to look at him, "are you ok?" I ask but the guy runs off.

_______time skip_____

"And then he ran off!" I explain to Felix. We're at the park, sitting on a bench.
"So, he didn't thank you?"
"I would've done if I was him."
"But you're not him."
"I know. Have you seen him since?"
"Nah, he may be avoiding me."
But just as I say that a guy sits down next to me. The guy I helped earlier. His brown fringe almost covered one of his eyes, which looked tired. He wore a black top with a white circle on and black jeans.
"Hey, I just want to say thanks." He said quietly.
"It's fine! It was the least I could do!"
"No, you were kind. I would never have done that. Anyway my names Dan."
"And I'm Felix!" He shouts,
Dan flinches backwards, "sorry, you scared me!"

We talked for a while just about anything. But Dan started to talk about something interesting.
"You guys know Phil?" He asks
"The British kid? Not very close" I answer
"Same" Felix replies
Dan "oh... OK"
Jack " why?"
Felix "do you like him?!?"
D "maybe... you don't have anything against gay people do you?"
J "No! I'm gay, so I won't care."
F "And I'm bisexual, so you do like him?"
D "Yeah."
J "Have you talked yet?"
D "Yeah, quite a lot actually. I knew him before I came here. We went primary school back in London together. We were friends, but nothing more."
J "And now you've gotten closer because Phil was the only one you knew?"
D "Yeah... he says he usually sits alone so he was glad he knew someone."
F "Well, let's meet him!"
D "What? Really, I think you guys would like him!"
J "Cool, we'll do it tomorrow, OK?"
D "Yeah!"

I wave to Felix as I walk away. We've been talking for about an hour now, actually two but no one would care if I went missing for a whole day, so it's fine. 

I open my door and throw my bag on my bed. Ethan's not back yet, which is surprising since he loves being on time. I sit down on my bed and get out my headphones and sketch book. I have no homework so I just draw.

Around an hour passes until Ethan gets back. I remove my headphones,
"Why are you late?" I ask
"N-no reason!" He says, "I wanted to take a long walk home."
I look at my watch, 6:15 it says, "so you've been walking for three hours." I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"F-fine! I had a detention!" He said, blushing.
"You? Detention? Wow. Never thought I'd see the day!"
"It's not funny!"
"Why'd you get it?"
"Not doing my homework and not showing up to my detention yesterday so they extended it to two hours! Then I complained as we bought fish and chips for tea. That took another hour."
"Ok" I say, still amazed that Ethan got a detention.
________________the next day______

Marks pov
"So... Bob, can I ask you something?" I awkwardly asked, it was just us today since wade was ill.
"Yeah." He answered
"You've got a girlfriend, so how did you know you liked her?"
"Aww, someone's in love!" He joked
"I'm being serious!"
"Fine, well... you just know they're the one, so who's the unlucky girl?"
"Haha very funny, but... actually..."
"Go on."
"... it's a boy..." I whispered. Bob sat there, mouth wide open, which soon formed a smile.
"Cool," he said, "whatever happens, I've got your back! So... who is it?"
"Can't tell you that Bob" I said, "come on let's get to class."

I'm in detention. I looked up at the clock, 10 minutes left. I'm in here because they found out I had cheated in my maths test, it doesn't surprise them though 'cause it's not the first time. They can't be bothered with me anymore so they just put me in detention for 2 hours.

Eventually it was over so I picked up my bag at went home. As I walked I noticed someone familiar. Jack. What was he doing here? He noticed me but didn't run away. I walked up to him.
"What you doing loser? I thought you're home was an orphanage not the street" His bright blue eyes just stared into mine. I looked him up and down and quickly noticed a box behind him.
"What's in the box?" I ask. He gulps. I push him out the way and then gasp. In the box is a golden retriever. About a year old with beautiful fur and happy eyes. Her tail wagged frantically and her young lick my face a lot.

I stood up and turned to him. His smile vanished. "What were you going to do with her?" I asked angrily.
"S-she's not mine!" He explained, "I found her like this. A vet has checked her, no microchip, no collar, but has had all the vaccinations." I looked down at the dog, it's so cute.
'"I can't take her, but I absolutely love dogs, so I took her to the vet."

I picked up the box and turned to jack. "I'll take her," I said, "and look after her." Jacks face lit up. He looks so cute when he's excited.
"Omg! Thank-you!" He said
"No problem" then I had a thought, maybe jack and I can be friends. Since I have a crush on him. I can fix this. I don't have to hurt him, "anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and sorry for our past. I'm sorry for hurting you. Especially now I've realised I like you. Maybe we could put that behind us?" I secretly smiled at myself, happy I've finally said it. And then I left, leaving jack with a confused, shocked look on his face.
Hey guys, how is your day going today? Mine was OK.

I've sprained my wrist but luckily I can still write fanfic!

Anyway, tell me what you think and don't forget to vote if you like it!

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