4 Amy

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Jacks pov
The look on his face as I walked into the plane, it was heart breaking. He was actually upset but I swear I saw anger on his face, I mean I don't blame him. I left him, I left him the day after things had gotten better.

The doctor walked into the waiting room.
"I'm sorry." He said, his voice calm and soothing.

It's been three weeks and I have to say, I still don't like it. Hawaii has nice beaches and that's it. I've been really lonely at school and soon my auntie had to go to hospital because of an illness. After a week in hospital she sadly passed away. Now I'm alone again, no family to go to.

I sat down in my seat. The plane was pretty busy but I put my headphones on. I'm so excited because I get to go home. I get to see Felix, Ethan, Sam and... Mark...

Felix says mark is ignoring him and sometimes says a mean comment. I'm guessing being nice wasn't his thing. But what worries me is that he'll never like me again. I left him at the airport, I left him.

I decided to walk home, yes it takes about an hour to get there but I feel like I need fresh air. No one knows I'm coming back except the orphanage staff. So it'll be fun to surprise them.
I slowly opened my bedroom door. Ethan's not back yet. So I sat on my bed and waited.

"OMG YOU'RE BACK" Ethan yelled as he jumped on me. Sam ran through the door because of the loud noise and jumped on me too. I'm happy to be back. I spent the night talking to Ethan about Hawaii, about the school, beaches and , well, everything. Ethan listened to the whole thing patiently and was very happy I'm back.

The next morning I got up early so I could get to Felix's house before he leaves. As I walked across the road towards his house, I saw Mark, walking his dog. Thankfully he didn't see me. I knocked on the door and Felix answered. "Hi..." he said, the he realised, "omgitsyouareyiupkwhynfkdbfoqpdjwpkjfnjdkd..."
"Calm down Felix!"
"I wanted to surprise you!"
"Well you did!"

As we walked into school many people smiled at me and I got a few 'welcome back!'s which was cool. As I walked into our class Amy, the schools bitch, pushed into me. "Oh sorry Jack. Didn't see you there, thought you'd be in Hawaii or at least the orphanage." She giggled. I glared at her then sat down next to Felix.
"How does she know?" I asked him
"I dunno. Mark might of told her." I look around for Mark but he's not here. Maybe he did. But I don't care anymore.

As I sat down for lunch I heard Amy throw a mean comment my way, something like 'you don't belong here'  but I ignored her.  Ever since I came back she's been really mean to me but I try to ignore her.

After lunch we walked into the yard to find Amy but that didn't surprise me, what did surprise me though was Mark was standing with her. Amy is mean to anyone so its weird seeing mark next to her.

As we walk pass them Amy stops me. I look up at her, she has a stupid grin on her face. She pushes me into the wall. "Oww.." I groaned. I look up at her then to mark. She looked at him too and giggled. Marks smile vanished. I don't know if he felt sorry for me or was happy that Amy did that because his face was emotionless.
"Hey, babe, let's go get some food" she said, banging my head on the wall. I slid to the bottom and griped tightly onto my head. I looked up to see Mark, he looked at me for a moment then ran away.
"Coming, sweetheart!" He said.
I can't believe my ears.
"A-are they going out?" I asked Felix.
He nodded.
I know it's not the longest I can do but I just can't wait to upload chapters. Btw, sorry for errors I rushed it a bit.

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