8 Aaron

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Just to make it clear this story has nothing to do with my other story. The characters have different traits than in the other one. This is here to make sure you don't get confused with the other story/get the characters mixed up.

Jacks pov
I finally walked into school with a smile on my face. Knowing that Mark and I are dating gives me a reason to enjoy life. The only question I have for him though is why did he go to therapy. We try not to talk about the time we met each other there and when it pops up in our conversations we don't really answer any questions.

As I sat down with my lunch, across from Mark something weird happened. We were just talking and Bob comes over. I know Bob is friends with me but he doesn't like wade as much and really doesn't like mark.
"So... Erm... I've seen you have both changed" he said.
"Yeah..." Mark answered
"Can I sit with you?" Bob asked
"Of course! Good to have you back!"

The next day I walked into class to see a new student. "Jack, this is Aaron, I want you to look after him today."
I nodded. This was going to be cool.

At lunch I sat down in front of Mark,
"This is Aaron, Aaron this is Bob, wade and-" but before I could finish mark interrupted me.
"He knows who I am" Mark glared at him. I was so confused.

Aaron's pov
I was looking forward to meeting jacks boyfriend but now I've met him I don't like it at all. "Hey jack you mind if I just talk to mark for a minute?" I ask
"Sure" he answered

I dragged Mark out of the room so none of them could hear us.
"What are you doing here?" He asked
"Coming to learn! Just like you!"
"Well you can go find another school, I don't want you here!"
"Too bad, I'm staying. I don't care about our 'past' I'm coming your school"
"Well then don't talk to me" he said and started to walk away.
"Wait!" I said
"He turned around, "what?"
"Well, jacks kinda cute, it would be a shame if something happens to him"
"Don't you dare..."
"Don't do what? You don't even know my plan!" I laughed and walked away. This is going to be great, Mark you've hurt me one, I'm not going to let you hurt me again.
I know, I know, it's a short chapter. It would've been longer and it would've come out sooner if it hadn't decided to delete half of itself. 🙄 oh well, it's here now.

Shout-out to my friend who wanted Aaron back.

Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote if you like it!

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