6 Therapy

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Jacks pov
I sat in the waiting room, Ethan next to me. I was slightly annoyed that he brought me here but at the same time I was glad he stopped me. He cares about me, he's a good friend.

I waited in silence. Waiting for my name to be called out. I then heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see a man talking to... Mark?
"Do what you think is right" the man said and mark nodded.
He looked over at me and I tried to avoid his stare but I couldn't. His dark eyes quickly pulled away from mine and mark turned to walk away. I'm confused, why is he here. But before I could think about it the man Mark had been talking to said my name.

I looked around the cramped office. It had a dark coloured desk and just enough space for three chairs. On the desk were piles of paper and two large computers and keyboards. There was a door to the left of me and I thought of what could be on the other side.
"Hello Jack, I'm Mr Parker, but you can call me Chris." He smiled at me.
"Ok... Chris." It felt weird talking to a therapist. I've never been to a therapy before so it's something... different...

We sat there and talked about my life. I didn't really like doing that though. Ethan sat there, taking all the information in, I think he was slightly shocked at some points. I had talked almost about everything until,
"So, I see there are cuts on your arms?" Chris asked
"Yeah" I answered
"Is it OK if you talk about them?"
"I guess so."
"OK, so why did you do that?"
"I honestly do not know. I was thinking about this boy and his stupid girlfriend and how she's a bitch and I thought about my ex's and then I found the knife and it kinda just happened"
"OK, and who is this b-"
"That's all I'm going to say."
"Oh, alright, I'm guessing jack you are suffering from anxiety and something else but we need blood tests to be sure, so can we take some?"
__________a magical time skip_____

As we walked back into the cramped office I felt proud. No new cuts on my arms. Ever since last week I've thought about my life and how it doesn't have to be sad or lonely.

Chris walked in with some paper and my blood as he sat down he gave me a warm smile. We talked about how the week went for me and if I was ok.

Soon Chris came onto my results.
"As I suspected you test results said you had anxiety but as well as that you have something called "mood swings" now it may sound simple but you have a gene in your blood which makes your emotions seem bigger than they are. So if you're slightly up set you could cry for ages. Stuff pike that. It also means you have slight anger problems but as long as you've got someone to be with then that'll be fine. We also found you have depression but a very weak one so if you do find yourself thinking of suicidal thoughts please contact someone for help."
I took all the information in. Shocked I've actually got something but at the same time I'm not shocked.

________another magical time skip____

I told Felix all about therapy and he was cool about it. He will help me through hard times if I ever come to it.

Soon it was lunch. The first lessons went so quickly and soon I was sitting down next to Felix across from Dan and Phil. As we talked someone sat down next to me and I turned to see... Bob?
"What do you want?" I scoffed, knowing he was friends with Mark.
"I want to say sorry. Mark, I thought he wouldn't be like that and I realized that bullying isn't an option."
"Oh. Ok..." I said, not believing my ears.
"So can I sit with you guys from now on?" He asked and I nodded. But suddenly Amy came over.

"Bob what are you doing with the losers?" She asked
"Amy. Look. I'm done with all your bullshit." He answered.
We all gasped. And mark stared at him, still avoiding eye contact with me.
"And you mark," Bob continued, "I'm tired of your bullshit too."
And with that said they walked away, Mark giving one last glance over to us.
I'm enjoying this and I hope you are too.
(Yes that's right, that's all I'm going to say, deal with it)

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