9 Texting troubles

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I have a new fanfic and it would mean so much if you go check it out. It's called 'The YouTube apartments' and I hope you like it. Now, back to this story! Hope you enjoy!

Felix's pov
I sat at the lunch table, with Dan and Phil once again. It felt very lonely without jack. But now all he would do is hang out with Mark and that new guy Aaron. I was about to leave to get food but Aaron asked if I could talk to him.
"Yeah, what is it?" I asked
"Did you know Mark and Jack are dating?" He said
"Now, I want to get revenge on mark for other reasons and I'm sure you do too"
"Yeah... you got a plan?"
"I have!"
Aaron explained the plan to me, telling me it was going to happen next week. I nodded, liking the sound of getting revenge on mark. I'm not mad at jack, I don't even have a crush on him anymore, I just want my friend back.

_time skip_

Jacks pov
As I walked home I did not expect Felix to come walk with me.
"Hey." I said
"Hey, look I know we fell out, you ready to put it behind is bro?" He asked.
"Yes!" I exclaimed giving him high-five.
"Good, so a little bird told me you were dating Mark?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well look at this..." he passed me his phone and on the screen was a text conversation. At the top it said Mark.

Mark.                                              Felix.

So, you're dating jack?

Yeah, but I hate it.
He's so annoying.


He's so weak and pointless.
Kinda don't want him
Around me.

Dude! That is not
OK, he trusts you!

I know, and that's so
Stupid. I wouldn't trust
Myself. Can't believe him.

Did you ever like

Eh, Kinda, but now...
Not really. Still can't
Believe he hasn't noticed.

You're such a dick!
Why don't you break
Up with him? It will
Be better.

Nah, I like betraying
Him. It's fun.
When he finds out then
It will be over. I don't really
Care though.

You are such a
Fucking dick!

Good, that's what I aim
To be! ;)

I handed Felix back his phone and tears streamed down my face. How could he? I trusted him. I felt confident and safe for once and he's gone and crushed it.
I pulled out my phone and texted Mark.

Mark.                                               Jack.

We are so over,
I trusted you! How could

What? I don't get
It. What did I do

Stop pretending, you know!
Fuck you, dick.

Then I slipped my phone into my pocket and gave Felix a hug.
"Thanks" I said, letting go of him. He nodded and I walked away.

Felix's pov
I got my phone out and soon changed the contact from Mark back to Aaron. I did it! Now the first step has been completed the next ones will be easy. The battle will be won in no time.
OOooOoOoooO Felix you sneaky guy, what have you done?

If you're enjoying it then don't forget to vote and tell me what you think. This has been getting so many votes! Thank-you!
Love you all 💞💗

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