15 Fears

460 19 9

Felix's pov
"Are you sure this is safe?" I nervously asked
"Yeah... well maybe... probably not"  Aaron answered
"Great" I muttered under my breath

We soon reached jacks locker and Aaron pulled out the spare key. I looked at my watch. 8:25. Soon everyone will be pouring into the school, so we had to do this quick. He put the key into the locker then twisted it. Quickly, I shoved the box in, opened the lid and slammed the door shut. I'm not a fan of spiders, so when I have to open a full box of them I tend to do it quite quickly.
"Alright, now we wait till the end of the day" Aaron said.

He was correct. He always is, and for some reason he knows when Jack goes to his locker today. So as the last bell rang, everyone rushed out and we walked to the correct corridor and waited.

Soon jack and mark reached his locker and I whispered to Aaron, "don't constantly look at them, it'll make us look suspicious"
"Wow, good idea, you're getting the hang of this!" He said
I felt my cheeks slightly blush so I quickly turned away to 'examine' some school posters. However, before I could even finish reading the first sentence, I got interrupted by a scream. A loud one.

As I expected the loud, high pitched screams were coming from Jack. Mark stood still, his mouth wide open in confusion. He was so confused to see millions of tiny black monsters pouring out of jacks locker. Many people had ran away, some had stayed to watch. Jack had his back presses up against the walls, his eyes shut tightly. His chest rose and sank quickly, and his breathing was short and snappy.
"Get them fucking off ME!" He screeched.
"What is going on here?!" We heard someone else yell.

One of our teachers stood in front of mark, her hands on her hips and a frown on her face. She didn't look very pleased to see anyone, or the spiders.
"Please... I don't like this..." jack said, his voice was quite and soft now. You could feel the fear radiating off him and I couldn't help but feel guilty. Mark explained to the teacher what had happened and soon Aaron yanked my arm and told me, "time to go"

Before I turned to leave, I glanced back at jack. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. My heart told me this is wrong but my brain told me he deserved it. But before i could think about it anymore, I turned around and ran out the door.
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