School Rules! Not...

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Mark goes to school and at the end he decides he should get a job. School rules! Not...

I woke up early in the morning with the sound of birds chirping. I dreaded the idea of going to school. Back to where people bullied me and made me feel like shit. This would also be Felix's senior year if he was still here. Felix... I'm so sorry. Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes as I thought about him. I snapped back to reality and started getting dressed. Flannel and a light pair of jeans would do. I didn't really care what I looked like at school. I rolled up my sleeves and began wrapping my scars and cuts with gauze. I always did this just in case my sleeves slid down and people saw my scars and cuts. I rolled down my sleeves and picked up my backpack. I started walking to school when I saw Ethan. Ethan was my best friend and my only friend. He has no idea what I go through everyday. Everyday was hell especially school. I got perfect grades but cooking was the thing I loved doing.
" Hey! How are you Mark?!" Asked Ethan walking backwards in front of me.
" I'm good E just some stuff going are you?" I asked as I forced a half smile.
" I'm actually doing horribly, school isn't treating me so well.." he said as he turned around with his head down.
" I could always tutor you Ethan it wouldn't be much trouble!" I said sincerely hoping he wouldn't refuse.
" Really?! That would be awesome Mark! What days do you want to do?" He said as he lifted his head and and smiled.
" I'll go to your house everyday and tutor you from 3:00pm to 7:00pm" I said trying for another smile. It didn't work.
" Okay that works! It's just till I can get my grades up! Then you can leave me to rot!" He chuckled at himself.

It was quite the rest of the way to school. I just hope he doesn't make a move on me. No Ethan wouldn't do that even though he is gay and lonely as fuck. I know science is the only thing he gets really good grades in. So just Math, French, English, and History were the things he needed help with. I knew this for we had the same classes. Ugh, Ethan was pretty stupid when it came to those classes but then again Science seemed to stand out. He took honor classes and did extra credit. Got A's in the class like no sweat! When we did projects his would always move on to the county finals and every year he would win. I didn't understand how he can be brilliant and dumb at the same time. Me...well I was the same. I honored in everything and got straight A's, did extra credit, and won first place in all projects besides Science projects.
I hadn't even realized we made it to school in till Ethan interrupted my thoughts.
" Mark imma go to the office and take care of some things see you later!" He walked in the direction of the office leaving me there in front of the school.

I don't know how it came to thought but I started thinking I should start working. Maybe at that Seven Eleven place because I saw help wanted signs plastered on the windows the last time I went there. Before I could continue my thoughts I heard a familiar voice. Great it was Tyler my bully.
" Mark what ya doing he alone?" He said as he leaned on my shoulder.

I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get out of this without a fight. I was to weak though. I prayed that god would be nice today. It never happened.
" I asked you a question and I expect an answer!" He said as he gave me an angry glare.

If looks could kill I would already be dead.

He lifted me up by my shirt and pounded me into a wall.

" Answer me dammit!" He said angrily looking into my soul through my eyes.

I wasn't gonna answer. I don't know why I wasn't. I then finally saw his buddies walking in and seeing us. They walked closer wanting to join the "fun" of course.
He punch me square in the face. I fell to the floor as laughter erupted from him. The others joined in on the laughing as I was out of breath. He kicked me in the side over and over again. Such a cruel monster. No I was wrong I was the monster. I killed the only person I loved. I deserve this. This is my punishment. I didn't move a muscle as he kept kicking me each time getting harder and harder.

" HEY!"

All of them turned around to be greeted by a green haired boy. I looked up slightly to get a better view but my eyes were kinda funny. I've never seen him before and he looked older then all of us. He looked about the age of 20 perhaps. College student I supposed but why was he here? Did god answer me pray in a different way? No, because I didn't believe in god.

The boy then punched the leader in the face. Tyler's buddies were a little shocked but tried fighting them. The boy had swift movements and fought them. Since he was out numbered he had a few hits to the face. He ended up knocking them all out. I felt really tired now but I saw the boy pick up the leader my his shirt and punch him repeatedly till he was out cold. I closed my eyes at this point with relief. I soon drifted to sleep because I was so tired.

I woke up in the nurse's office. The nurse quickly hurried over to me.

" Sweetie, are you alright? Do you feel fine? Do any bones feel broken?" She asked examining my body.

" I'm alright" I said trying to sit up. My efforts failed and I feel back down. Crucial pain was on the left side of me. The nurse realized this and lifted up my shirt to examine my side. She touched it and I grunted in pain.

" Your not fine you have two broken ribs.." she trailed off looking very worried.
" Who hurt you?" She asked giving me a serious look.

I didn't answer and only closed my eyelids. I thought back to the fight and then remembered the green haired boy. If I were to ever see him I'd thank him for helping me. I drifted back to sleep knowing the nurse would move me to an actual hospital. School is so awesome! Said no one ever.

Sorry it's going really slowly! I promise it will get a little faster! I want you guys to get to know the story slowly instead of shoving it in your face. In the next chapter Mark will meet the green haired boy and get a job! Comment and tell me how you think of my story! Bye!

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