A New Start...Not

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*Major Timeskip!*

It's been 1 year since we got officially together. I've been the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. That's saying something trust me. Jack and me were gonna go to the park pretty soon for our anniversary. Anniversary... like oh my god it's been so long. I knew it's been a year but it seemed to go so fast. Any time I spent with Jack seemed to go slow in a good way but ended up ending to fast. I loved Jack and all but he's been drinking. Drinking to much in fact that he doesn't remember the stuff we talk about that much anymore. All he does is come home get a beer, drink it, and then we talk while he is drunk. It scares me really. Reminds me of him.....the man that made life more unbearable. I'm happy for sure but the more I see Jack drinking the more I become depress. I'm starting to not be able to stand it anymore. I'm at my wits end. This could end up in a gigantic fight but for now I'll just leave it. Just for a little while longer I'll pretend everything is okay. I'll do this just this once so Jack doesn't worry. Now I need to meet him, Signe, and Robin! I quickly got ready and headed out the door. I drove to Buffalo Wings where they were all probably waiting by now for me. It started being a place we all would hang out and it's become one of my favorite places again. Did I mention that Signe and Robin were together?! Crazy right?!?! No. It was so painfully obvious. I may be a little stupid sometimes about relationships but I'm not the stupid. I got into the restaurant and saw them all sitting there at a table. I waved and they waved right back. I quickly walked over and sat down next to Jack who already looked a bit tipsy.
" Jack are you alright?" I asked trying to to sound rude. All o got back was a glare.

I don't know why but something in my heart just tore in two. No no no. I need to pretend I'm happy! I'm happy...I'm happy...I'm happy...I'm....happy. Robin must of seen what was a happening and quickly cleared his throat to put an end to the awkwardness.

" Mark are you alright too?" Signe asked which I was confused as to why she would ask such a silly question.

"Why do you ask?" I said tilting my head to the side to show my confusion.

"It's just because your eyes are glazed over and you have little tears in the corner of your eyes.." She said never quite finishing her sentence correctly.

"It's...its...it's just allergies! Yeah allergies!" I said quickly coming up with an excuse. It was a pretty good one since the weather has been horrible lately.

Signe didn't look quite convinced but before she could interrogate me any further on the subject, a waitress came by.

"Wellcome! What may I get you?" She said smiling at all of us.

" Me and Robin will just get a regular burger please! How about you guys?!" Signe asked me and Jack.

I looked at Jack seeing if he wanted to get anything but he continued to glare at the table as though it hurt the most precious thing to him.

"I'm not hungry and Jack already ate so we're good. Thank you!" I said to everybody basically.

The waiter went to go place our orders and all I could do was sit in the blade piercing silence. I finally had enough and confronted Jack.

"Jack can't you not be drunk for 5minutes straight?" I was really starting to get irritated.

"Maybe if you weren't such a bother maybe I'd be sober." Is all I got as a reply.

It stung so bad. The pain on my heart was nothing I ever really felt before. It's as though someone took a dagger and stabbed me multiple times. Was I really such a bother? I was just trying to tell him he's basically drunk all the time! I wanted him to figure out that I was having a rough time! Anger was quickly clouding my brain.

"If I'm such a fucking bother to you, you should have left me to die that night!" I said quickly standing up and stomping off.

I'm sick of being treated like trash! This was supposed to be a new start! It was very far from it instead.

Author's notes!:
I am so sorry for the delay! I really am! I just had some major writer's block with this story. I'll update as soon as I came I promise! I'll be having another story out soon! It's be called: The Mask
It'll be a Naruto fanfic! Kakanaru! Who doesn't love a good gay ship? If you don't then honestly I have no idea why you are reading this story then.O_o...
Be on the look out for it though!

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