Hello you...

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I woke up in intense pain. I slowly sat up ignoring the shooting pain in every inch of my body. Don't think don't feel right? Hahaha no.  I stood up I grabbed my crutches. I'll be needing these for awhile won't I?... I put on a red shirt and then a red hoodie. Red is my favorite color so red everything! I put on some black sweats and some black shoes. Black and red are okay right? I then walked to school with Ethan.

" Mark! What's wrong what the hell happened?!?!"

" I just fell down the stairs you know me! I'm clumsy." I said with my most honest tone. Luckily no one has realized I scratch my hair when I lie.

"Okay...so! After break you'll tutor me in Tuesdays!" Ethan said practically jumping up and down.

"Yep." I said looking down.

How was I gonna do this? Ugh I'll have to be careful he doesn't see my scars. I'll just put bandages around them when it comes to it.

(Time skip brought to you by Tiny Box Tim!)

I was walking home when I was pulled away. This girl looked at me with this weird ass gaze. She had a tight grip on my arms so pressure was on my wounds.

" So, your the Mark I've heard to much about?!" She said jumping up and down.

"What?" I said looking at her like she was insane.

"Oops! I'm Signe! Jack's friend! Do you want to join us for lunch at Buffalo Wings?!" Signe said with the most creepiest smile possible.

I've never been so confused in my entire life. My arm was practically hurting like hell now. Show now pain, show no emotion, pretend. I repeated these things to myself.

" Uh I don't think Jack would be okay with that..." I said with a slight smile.

" Nah it's totally kool! Robin, another friend of Jack's will be there and it would be awesome to get to know you and to equal the group!"

" He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to"

I turned around to see Jack. He was wearing a green hoodie and light blue jeans. He looked handsome...WAIT WHAT?! I did not just think that. No. Nobody will love me.

" I'll go if that's okay with you?" I asked looking at Jack.

"Sure I don't mind" he said walking off.

Me and Signe followed behind. It felt like years while walking but we made it to Buffalo Wings. When we got in a guy then waved us over. I'm guessing it was Robin. We then sat down.

" So who's the kid?" Robin asked.

" I work with him at Seven- Eleven, he's new." Said Jack.

" So the one you've been talking about?" Robin said with a devilish smirk.

Jack blushed slightly but then returned to his normal glare look. I wasn't really paying attention while they talked. I realized this was the place me and Felix used to hang at. Stop it. No don't ruin this.

" What can I get you guys?" A waitress asked.

" A normal burger and fries please and a coffee" said Jack

" I'll have the same please!" Said Signe

" Me two." Said Robin.

They waitress then looked at me. I looked up and gave a slight smile.

" I'm good thank you." I said.

I tried not to cry or be sad but it wasn't working.

" You can order something you know!" Said jack looking at me.

" Yo order something your all skin and bones." Said Robin.

That hit a nerve. I don't know why it bothered me so much. It just did. I started getting angry. Everyone started a me. Those looks. I get those looks everyday. I started crying a little. Tears start slowly falling of my cheeks. My head was down still. I don't think Jack noticed or anybody. I pushed my hands on the table and ran out.

( 3rd person view! )

" What the fuck Robin?!" Jack yelled at his friend.

" What?" Robin said not really caring.

" That was out of line and you know it!" Jack was still yelling at his friend.

" Guys calm down!" Signe said getting in between the two.

Jack then walked out of the restaurant.

( Normal point of view )

I ran only for a short distance. Since I was unhealthy I was out of breathe and my legs hurt like hell. I then fell to my knees. No I need to get home. Before I did I cried there on the sidewalk.

( Time Skip brought to you by Darkiplier! )

I cut all night. I would regret it tomorrow but I wasn't thinking that right then. I soon drifted off to sleep not knowing the events that would turn my life over tomorrow.

Author's Note!
I'm so sorry I haven't got a chapter out in a while. Life just got in the way! I'll try my very best to put out the next chapter soon! Sorry if it was a little shorter then usual I just felt like I needed to get one done.
Anyways see ya guys next time!

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