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Mark's dad comes back...
He comes back worse though

After the whole fight thing I couldn't get my mind of the green haired boy. I don't know why I thought about him. I hadn't thought about any other man till now. I didn't want to. People didn't deserve to have a monster like me. I shook my head to get rid of the man in my head. I heard the front door open. Strange, mom and Sam were home. (Sam is my twin sister btw) Then it could I didn't want to think about Dad being home. He hated my guts just as much as I hated him.

" Mark! Sam! Get in the kitchen your father is home!" Said mom.

No. No. No. No. Why me? Wait, I know why. I deserved it. I killed the love of my life. I didn't deserved to be treated nice. I changed my clothes for they had blood on them from my cutting. I opened the door and saw Sam. My heart hurt knowing I lost connection with Sam. We barely talked besides from the hellos here and there.
I kept walking even though my feet kept moving my mind didn't want to. I saw my dad sitting at the dinner table. I sat down and started think but that was soon interrupted.

" Are you not gonna say hello?" My dad said with slurred words.

He was drunk already great that means this was gonna be difficult. I prayed that this would go well but I knew it wasn't.

" Hey! You listening to me you piece of crap?!" He said looking up at me now with angry written on his face.

" Hi." I said it quickly hoping he would go back to reading the newspaper.

" You piece of shit I wish you weren't my son you murderer" Even though he whispered it I heard him loud and clear.
Mom and Sam kept doing what they were doing. Good because this was against me and dad. Me and this monster. Monster to monster I thought.

" Cool I hate you too." I said with confidence.

He stood up walking to me. He went in my face screaming at me. " Excuse me?! I am your father! You treat me with respect! You murderer! You killed a innocent boy! You made a horrible decision. You screw up! You deserved to die not that poor young man!"

He hated me alright but I would always hate myself more. Anger boiled inside me.

" Me a screw up? Look at yourself you drunk bastard!" I immediately regretted those words.

He raised his hand at me but before he could do anything mother stepped in.
"Honey calm down! Sit down. Please." She was scared I knew it.

" This isn't over yet" he said as he walked over back to his chair and sat down reading his newspaper.

I quickly ate my dinner as dad glared at me. If only looks could kill, if only. I helped mom do the dishes. I went into my room and turned on my t.v. I switched through the channels till Criminal Minds came on. It was my favorite tv show so I left it at that. I really wasn't paying attention to it. I was thinking about Felix. I grabbed my blade as an urge came. I placed the blade near my skin. My hand was shaking, if only Felix saw me he'd know what to do. I needed to stop for Felix. Felix was dead. He couldn't hold my hand or kiss me with his soft lips. No, he was dead alright. With that in mind I ripped my skin as the blade pierced it. Pain coursing through me. I did it multiple times till I felt satisfied with my marks. I grabbed my blood rag and placed it on my arm letting the crimson red soak the white rag slowly. Once I knew it would bleed anymore I fell asleep. The crash replayed in my mind as it did every single night. I was woken up by my dad barging in. He used the wall for support. He was definitely wasted.
He came towards me picking me up by the collar of my shirt. I didn't know wha time it was but I knew mom and Sam were sound asleep. They wouldn't hear. I thought dad was gonna start screaming at my face but he didn't. He did something worse. I knew he hated me but I never thought he would do this. He threw me at the wall head hitting first. I had a throbbing pain in my head from the impact as I slowly towards he floor.
"You piece of shit" he said and with that he punched me in my stomach.

Before I could catch my face he kicked me over and over again. My once safe place was no more my safe place. He didn't even noticed all the blades and stuff laying around my room. Even if he did he wouldn't care and he wouldn't remember with how drunk he was. When he was done I laid on the ground holding my stomach in pain. He walked out and left me crunched into a ball on the floor. I fell asleep like that not daring to move a muscle. Thinking if I did move he would come back and throw some more punches and kicks at me.
" Help me" as I said that to myself quietly tears slowly but surely made their way down my face falling to the wood floor.

I woke up soar. Bruises were over my body for sure. I looked at the clock and it was 4am in the morning. I drifted back to sleep not wanting to wake up.

Guys go follow my bestie ( malenadip )! She is writing this story in Jack's point of view! Sorry this came out kinda late Mal forced me to take a break lol. This chapter was 1,000 words again ya-hoo! Go read the story: Love isn't always easy. If you want to read this story in Jack's point of view of course! Now I'll have to go since it's kinda late. Goodnight you guys! And thanks for reading my story! Love ya'll

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