Seven Eleven...and YOU?!

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Mark gets hired for Seven Eleven and finds the green haired boy working there.

I woke up at 1pm. I was still soar. I wasn't gonna go to school today like fuck that. Luckily tomorrow was Friday and for the next two weeks it would be Christmas. So basically we had a break for a long time. I got up off the floor barely even able to make myself stand up straight. I knew what was gonna help me and dug around my closet. I found my old crutches I used about a year ago. At least I could go to the Seven Eleven store and try to get hired.
I got dressed and ready but before I'd go I would tell mom I was gonna go to Seven Eleven and try to get hired. I was halfway in between the living room in till I saw someone sleeping on the red chair we had. It was Dad. I hurriedly went out the door and towards my car. Before I started my car I had a quick conversation with myself.
" He was gonna be there for a long time" I mumbled.
" What am I gonna do?" As I said that I banged my head on my stirring wheel. I quickly regretted it when thoughts of the accident came into mind.
"No. I must not think that." I started up the car and drove to Seven Eleven. When I got there I was greeted by a green haired man at the counter. He looked really familiar but I couldn't put my mind to it. His eyes became really wide then he quickly turned around. He started moving his hands around like he was doing something though I knew differently. I cleared my throats ready to speak.
" I saw the need service signs and wondered if your boss can give me an interview." I said as I walked closer towards the counter.
" Uuhhhh... I'll go talk to him!" The man said walking into this tiny hallway and opening a door.
When he came back out his words surprised me.
" He said alright! And that you can do the interview now." He said practically glowing for some strange reason.
He led me to the door where he disappeared at just moments ago.
I stepped in to be greeted by a brown haired man with glasses.

" Ah you most be the young fellow!" He said swirling his chair around.
" Sit" he said while pointing towards the chair in front of the desk.

I slowly walked towards afraid for some reason. Fuck my nerves like my god. My stomach was hurting which usually meant I really was nervous. When I sat down I looked at him. I couldn't stop shaking my legs.
" So I'll ask you a bunch of stupid questions and stuff, oh and my name is Bob." he said chuckling.

It seemed like forever but when he stood up he shook my hand.

" Congratulations your hired" he said cheerfully.

" What?" I stuttered.

He was messing with me no doubt. Like how is this possible. I was so shocked I forgot to let go of his hand. So we stood there still holding hands and staring at each other. Help would be great right now.

" Like I said congratulations your hired" he said.

I hugged him for some reason thanking him multiple times.

" So I know you have school so I'll give you night shifts. That means you'll work with Jack." He said with a grin on his face.

" Who's Jack?" I asked with a confused face.

"Ah well he's the green haired boy working at the counter. He was the one who led you in here!" He said still weirdly grinning.

"Okay! Sounds great! Thanks again!" I said but I didn't smile. I couldn't smile. I was happy kinda but couldn't even manage a tiny smile. I'm a monster and I'll forever be.

"Come back tomorrow and I'll give you your schedule." He said before heading back towards his chair.

I walked out still not smiling.

"Congratulations." Said the green haired man. Jack.

"Thanks" as I said this I made a halfway smile. Weird how I could do it now.

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