Dreams are not Reality

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Felix slowly slipped from bed but I instead pulled him back down and cuddled him impossibly close. I never wanted this moment to end. Our worlds clashed together to make us. I saw his blonde and brown hair sticking out in odd places. He turned around and faced me letting me get a good look of his beautiful features. His small adorable beard, his icy blue eyes, and slim face. It all seemed so perfect to me.

" I love you Mark" Felix said gazing into my chocolate eyes.

" I love you too Felix" I said barely even a whisper but I knew he heard.

" Mark this isn't real" he said, with the most straight face. (Bitch Face!!!!)

It hit me. Reality came crashing down, crushing my heart. This. Isn't. Real. I started feeling sad.

" I'm so sorry baby, I hurt you, I killed you! I'm so sorry! I'm such a monster!" Tears streamed down my face as I said this.

Then is just stopped and everything faded to black leaving Felix's soft smile in my mind.

( End of Dream)

I woke up to something wrapped in my arms. Before I even looked at it and looked at my surroundings. This isn't home. I quickly looked at the thing next to me. Seeing green bright hair I freaked out. I freaked out so bad I fell off the bed. Oooooowwwwww.

" Oi! What the absolute fuck mate?!" Jack slowly sat up still looking half asleep.

Perfection was in front of me. Wait what?! Nonononono. Stupid mind what are you thinking?! Ugh never mind.

" What the fuck are you doing in my bed?!" I said getting a little angry now.

" Your bed?! Mate you in my fucking apartment! You grabbed me and pulled me down tightening your grip every time I tried to get up!" Jack said these words with anger and....hate?

" Oh...sorry...." I said this while my faced heated up.

" It's fine. Do you want to talk about it?" Jack said looking away with emotionless eyes. He looked so far away and distant. His face showed no emotion and his hair was sticking out in so many angles.

I looked down hiding my arms behind my back. He knew so it should be okay to tell him right? I have no idea. Before I could deeply consider this my mouth moved and said the answer for me.

" O...okay" I said now feeling sadness settle deep in my stomach.

So I told him. I told him everything and I mean EVERYTHING. He only listened to me with nothing but a serious face. His eyes covered with a weird emotion every time I told him a cut or that my dad beat me up, even about the whole school thing. When I was done I hadn't realized I was crying the whole entire time. I guess I was so used to crying it just happened like 2 nature. Before I could apologize for crying and being a burden. I was then engulfed in a tender and gentle but yet strong and warm embrace.

(Timeskip! Brought to you by Sam!)

It's been a long year since the thing with Jack and I happened. We actually became great friends. I started liking him way more then a friend though. I'm not even sure if he is even gay though! I soon came to realize that he smiled more when I was around. Nowadays I couldn't help but blush when I was around him. Ugh I'm so stupid! Anyways... my dad still beat the living shit out of me everyday. The thought of Jack made it a little bearable though. He invited me to his apartment to have a little party with his friends Signe and Robin. I of course agreed because I was happy around him. I reached his apartment around 5pm and knocked. Not only was I friends with Jack now I was also friends with Signe and Robin too! Robin also apologized for his rude ass behavior at Buffalo Wings. Jack opened the door and invited me in.

" Hey Mark!" He said giving me a hug.

" Hola Mark how've you been?!" Said Robin.

"Ok I guess" I said with a monotone voice.

" That's awesome Markimoo!" Said Signe jumping up and down. ADHP was definitely something she had.

" Markimoo?" I questioned.

" It's a name she made for you and she been waiting to use it" Jack said chuckling and then grinning at me. I gave him a half smile back.

" So what's the party for?" I asked not knowing anything.

" YOU DON'T KNOW?!" Said Signe and Robin at the same time. Oh and I almost forgot, those two are a couple and I ship it way to fucking hard. Jack glared at the two for practically screaming.

" It's Jack's birthday!!!! He's turning 23!" Said Signe practically hanging off of Jack as she smiled brightly.

" Happy Birthday Jack!" I said and gave a genuine full smile. Everyone just stared at me in awe.

" What? Is the something stuck in my teeth?!" I said cornered. I quickly closed my mouth.

" No no no not at all its...just......you haven't smiled like that in the entire time we've known you." Said Robin rubbing is neck.

" Oh..." I said almost surprised but the fact thats why they were staring.

Jack kept staring at me and that caused me to blush. A nice shade of pink made its way up my neck to my cheeks.

" Thank you" I said and gave Jack my gift I bought him. The only reason why I have a gift is because Signe said to get one. At first I was confused and bought one anyways. I got this little green eyeball looking thing. It had blue as it's eye color. I thought it looked cool so I bought it, wrapped it up, and gave it a nice big green bow.

The party lasted for hours on end and soon Signe and Robin left leaving me with a green highlighter.

Author's Note:

Hello you guys! I really need a name for you guys... How about septices?! It'll work for now lol. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for the next one!
Okay that suck...I don't know what I was thinking. Anyways bye!

Word Count:

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