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Jack and me sat on the couch for awhile in silence. My cheeks were heating up quickly.

" So how's home?" He said looking at me with a serious face.

"'s horrible..." I said looking away and facing the ground.

Jack gave me a sad smile and held my hand. My eyes widen in disbelief.

" You can live with me before your senior year starts!" He said practically excited.

" I... I don't know..." I said my eyes still focused on the ground.

Jack lifted my head up to look into his beautiful sky blue eyes. We both started leaning in closer and closer. Are faces were inches apart and then it finally happened. Jack kissed me. It was a gentle and tender kiss. His pink lips really fucking soft. I kissed back of course for I really like Jack. He pulled away and I slightly pouted wanting more. We looked into each other's eyes for awhile until I of course had to ruin it. Felix quickly clouded my mind. My face scrunched up. Jack's face looked pained that he maybe made the wrong move.

" Mark I'm so sorry...I...." Jack was trying to apologize but I quickly got up and ran out of the door. I started running towards the cemetery.

(Jack's pov)

I couldn't control myself this time. Is it bad? This feeling? Would I be selfish if I went for the kill? As in kiss him right here and now? Would that make me a monster since I know his ex-boyfriend is dead. I have no idea. My thoughts dissipated as my lips connected to soft ones. I don't know how long it lasted but I saw Mark's face scrunch up in regret. I felt horrible. It was as though my heart was ripped from my chest only to be tore in two and left to wilt away. It felt unbearable. Do I love Mark? I have no idea but I wanted to apologize.

" Mark I'm so sorry...I..." I tried to apologize but Mark ran out of the door faster then light. Scary really. Seeing someone you just now realized you loved run out of the door because of you.

I started thinking about where he would be going. As I was doing this I grabbed my car keys and got into my car. Started it up and headed towards Mark's house. When I got there I knocked on the beautifully carved door.

*Knock Knock*

The door then slowly opened to reveal Mark's drunk ass dad. It reminds me of my dad. Both my parents really. They never seemed to care. Since I grew up in a wealthy family they just handed me money and expected me to not get lonely with just that. My thoughts were then interrupted by a angry, drunk voice.

" What the fuck you want you asshole"

I scoffed at him. It was really taking all my might not to punch the absolute shit out of him. Keep cool Jack keep cool.

" I'm looking for Mark is he here right now?" I said looking at him showing no emotion.

" Mark? You mean my poor excuse for a son? Nope! I hope I don't. Hopefully he died some where. A painful and slow death would do good-" before he could keep talking I went ape shit.


" What did you say you little shit? I dare you to repeat that" he said looking down at me.

Oh I was fucking afraid alright but I wasn't gonna show it. I stood my ground gave him the most evil and cold glare a person could give and responded to him.

" Bite. Me." He then gave me a twisted smile.

He lunged at me to punch my in the face but I dodged. He instead fell mdown the steps flat on his disgusting face. Maybe that fixed his ugliness. He was knocked out cold. I ran into the house and saw Mark's mom.

" Oh my! Your Mark's friend! Where's my husband?!" She said frantically looking around.

" Your husband tried to hurt me but instead fell flat on his face and got knocked out. Anyways! Where is Mark? This is serious! This is urgent." I started crying the tears I tried so hard to keep at bay.

" Oh my lord, I don't know. What the hell is happening!" She said this as she was out the door trying to see if her husband was alright.

" I don't know! Do you have an idea where he could be? I'll call the hospital right now for your husband." I said still having tears stream down my face.

" He could be at the cemetery..." her voice trailed off now looking at her husband. He was stirring so he wasn't fully knocked the fuck out.

" Hurry and go." She said while looking at me. Those were the words I'll cherish forever. I don't know why I'll cherish those words. They just struck something inside of me. Mark I'm coming. I'll help you if it's the last thing I'll ever do.

I drove to the cemetery to see that Mark's car was the only car parked there. In a distance I could see Mark hunched over with face in hands. I quickly got out of the car. I could see he has something in his hands. Something shiny? No. Stop. Stop Mark!

" STOP!"

Author's Note!
Cliff hanger! Mwhahahahaha! I'm so evil. Anyways I really tired to do this chapter. I was having a little bit of writers block and nothing was coming into mind. I'll hopefully soon have the next chapter up soon! You guys I just also realized I had about 80 reads! I just wanted to say I'm very grateful and thanks so fucking much! I never thought my first story would grow so quickly! Anyways I hope you guys have a goodnight/good day! Bye septics!

Word Count: 1,022

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