The Afterlife

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I was so angry and so sad. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. I didn't know to. Cutting wasn't calming down anymore. It hurt so bad. I decided on a decision. I would just end it. End it all. Jack would be happy. He was only drunk so he wouldn't have to deal with me. He only treated me nicely because he felt bad. It seemed he hated me instead. So I went to my old house and grabbed some stuff. Blades, paper, pen, and a place to do it at. I knew Jack went to the bar. I'm not stupid. I know. I went back to the apartment me and Jack shared. I filled the tub with water. I wrote down the words I wanted to say onto the piece of paper. Tears stained the small sheet. I set it down on the toilet. Everything seemed perfect. It was now time to do the deed. I got into the into tub, clothes still on, and settled down. The water was still running but I didn't care. I took a blade and looked at my arms. Blade in my right hand and left arm wide open a made a beautiful wound go up and down my arm. It hurt but was quickly numbing. Blood poured out quickly coloring the bath water red. I did the other arm and once I was done I threw the blade. I laid there in the beautiful red water. It slowly tipped over. It reminded me of what was happening to me right this instance. It symbolized it so perfectly fear showed. My vision started darkening until there was nothing left. Until I couldn't feel a thing. Until is was just an endless nothing.

Jack's Pov

Dammit! I fucked up big time. Mark was already so unstable and I had to tip him over. I don't know where I was driving to until I found myself back at my apartment. Me and Mark's apartment. I needed to apologize quickly. I turned the car and got out. I opened the door to see water seeping through the door from the bathroom.

"MARK?!" I yelled and got no reply.

He was just probably angry. Ugh. I fucked up big time. I got to the door of the bathroom and pounded on the door and yelled Mark's name. No answer still. Something must be wrong because theres still water seeping through.

"Mark I'm coming in!" I yelled and busted the door open.

"Mar-" Before I could finish I saw it. Mark's body in the crimson color bath. I pulled him out convincing myself he was dead. No no no no no! MARK WASN'T DEAD!

"MARK! BABY ANSWER ME. Please! Answer me..." I said not being able to comprehend anything anymore. I called Robin and Singe and told them to come quickly. They tried asking questions but I hung up. I hugged Mark's lifeless form next to mine. My eyes caught sight of a note. I picked it up and read the single sentence on it.

Dear, Jack

I love you with all my heart but you don't return the feelings so I have decided to do the deed. you.

From, Mark Fishback

I cried and cried. Not hearing Robin and Singe come in and see the horrible and morbid scene. I didn't hear Robin call 911. I tuned everything out. I saw something shine from the bathroom light and saw the small covered blade. I picked it up and sliced my throat and the last thing I heard was my name.

I awoke to a blinding white light. Everything was white. Something red caught my intention though. I saw Mark. I knew this was the afterlife but I was strangely calm. I walked towards him and he held out his hand. I took it into mine and kissed him. We both walked into the blinding light. Never to be seen or heard from again. Just us two forever. Me and Mark. Everything again went blank but this time everything went white.

The End


So the end! Thanks for sticking around even though I know the story sucked. I just wanted it to end like this. Peaceful. Goodbye for now! See you next time!

Read: The Little Hummingbird

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