chapter 7

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to nessiegarcia9,white panda , potatoehee and many more  for all their support .Thanks guyz.XOXOXOXO❤
Deloris POV

I woke up to me falling butt first on the floor."Oww" i mumbled.I was trying to stand up when laughter filled the room .My head snapped towards the noise and i couldnt help but groan and roll my eyes.

"What are you laughing at " i said hiding my now red face with my hair.Urghhh why does Karma hate me.Not only am i supposed to look like the walking dead cause i just woke up but now i just fell butt first in front of my soon to be husband.

"Arent i allowed to laugh at you smaking the floor with your behind?.", Sean laughed as he walked towards me.I huffed and looked away. I picked up my blanket and fumbled with it. Why does Karma hate me? I was pulled out off my thoughts when i was pushed against the wall.

I looked up at Sean with a confused look. " w-what are you doing" I asked him looking anywhere else  but him. I cant think straight with him so close .  I felt fingers lift my chin up .My eyes locked with Sean's intoxicating gaze.He leaned closer so that his mouth was inches away from my ears.My heart felt like it was going to jump out off my chest.

"For a girl who sleeps like she is in a coma you do look  pretty hot in your sleep" he said grazing my ear slightly with his lips. My breath caught slightly in my throat. How do you breath again?. Oh yaa ,in and out, in and out."I-i....ummm w-well" i mumbled flashing red and looking away.

Sean chuckled and moved his face so that his lips were inches away from mine."And you look hot as hell when  you blush too". Wow until now i never thought i would blush this much in less than  20 minutes.

He pulled away and winked before he opened the door and left.What just happend!!!How did he make me feel all mushy inside just after insulting me?.I shook my head  and went to the bathroom.

After taking a shower i made my way ro the closet and took out my outfit [ on side].After dressing up i apllied light pink glossy lipstick and braided my hair in a side  braid. I took my phone and nerds and left the room.

"Hey!!! Dee" before i could figure out who said that i was pulled into a bone crushing hug."i cant breath" i choked out."Oops sorry!!" the figure pulled away and i was greeted by Tae."Hy Tae ,sorry i didnt notice  it was you"i said smilling.

"Hyy lil Dee i missed you", Drake lifted me up and twirled me around." D-drakeyy stop" i giggled punching him on his  back.He dropped me gentley to the floor and kissed my cheek."Nahh you love me,lil Dee". I rolled my eyes and pushed him away."Shut up.My friend is still here"i glared at him.

He turned around only to see Tae looking at him like he had two heads."umm Tae i would like you to meet Drake my older brother and Drake i would like you to meet Tae ,Sean's sister."i said smilling sweetly.

Drake made his way towards Tae and took her hand ,gentley pressing his lips to her  hand without breaking eye contact."It's very nice to meet you Tae"he said softly smirking at her."u-uh w-well nice to meet you too",Tae mumbled before pulling her hand away and running down the hall.

Okay,what just happend??."Drake what just happend??",i asked well more like whispered cause  i was so shocked.He turned away from me and cleared his throat"Uhh that was nothing really.Well bye sis gotta go ". He quickly made his  way towards me and pecked my cheek before going to God knows where.

If i wasnt so hell bent  on finding  Tae i would have thought really hard about what just happened. I made my way towards  Tae's bedroom and knocked before slowly opening the door." Tae ??!!,are you in there?",i looked around her empty bedroom. There was no one in the bedroom so i was about to go but i was stopped by a  small "wait".

I turned around to see Tae with the most biggest smile on her face. Before i could ask what happend she enveloped me in a  bone crushing hug." I cant tell you now what happend Dee but i am so happy!!!.And for that lets go shopping!!"Tae screamed dramatically falling backward on her back. After trying soo hard to pry information from her she still  couldnt tell me saying i would find out in due time.

We went to look for Maxine and Kaylani who too were busy laughing at Stella's snapchat video gone wrong to notice we were there. Apparently Stella falling offf of a stool flat on her butt was so amusing.(not the sarcasm).We finally left for the mall to go wedding dress shopping because well tommorow is my wedding.

When Kaylani told me that Tae and Maxine were Shopaholic's i didnt belive her but 5 hours of walking and changing into billiions of wedding dressses was enough proof for me. After 11 hours of shopping and making sure our wedding venue was okay we went home .

I slowly walked up the stairs and before i could open the door my phone vibrated.


Wassup dear Deloris .i just wanted to tell you that although you are getting married to my  Sean he still loves me with all his heart. Well why would he love you huh?? You are nothing ,just a stupid fat red headed young girl who is getting married to a guy way above her. What a shame though you have to get married to someone who doesnt love you. Well all the best tommorow i will give you  your wedding gift in about 10 minutes
Xox ..PS : hope you fall down the stairs and die tommorow:-|;-)

As soon as i read the text hot  tears sprung to  my eyes. I opened the door and  sat on the couch . As soon as i sat down Stella sent pics of her and Sean kissing and cuddling along with some snapchat videos they took today.

I switched off my phone and clossed my eyes. No matter how hard it was i was still going to marry Sean tommorow....for Drake and my Father.


Uh oh

What will happen next?? . find out in the next chapter .love you all and please keep reading and voting♥♥♥


Madleen ;-)

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