chapter 9

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Deloris' dinner dress↗↗↗↗↗


After Sean and i had that little fiasco everyone went out of the church . This is the part were i was supposed to throw my flowers. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath ,i swung my arms backwards  and i heard shrill scream. I turned around and saw Stella holding my roses.

My heart skipped a beat with fear. I-if she caught the flowers then she's getting married soon . l looked at Stella and she was wearing a beautiful long red dress.

[Iam sending the dress down there↙↘↘]

She waved the roses at me and winked

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She waved the roses at me and winked . l knew what that meant,she was simply telling me she was gonna marry Sean.  I  looked  away and regretted as soon as i did that Sean was looking at Stella like she was some kind of meal he wanted to eat up at that moment.

Before i could think of anything to do Kaylani,Tae and Maxine enveloped me in a bone crushing hug."Aww our lil old Dee is married",Tae screamed jumping up and down  and clapping like a seal."At last that lil hoe will know Sean aint hers"Maxine said laughing happily."Did you see Barbie's fucking face when Sean kissed Deloris .Haha pure Gold.I even got it on snapchat and she didnt really help herself by wearing a red dress . She looks like the ugliar version of a zombie in that dress"Kaylani said looking horrified.

I burst into a fit of giggles as we went to the the limo to get ready for the wedding dinner party. When we got home we all headed to Tae's room because thats were all the drsesses were. Since the dinner theme was dark blue all of us got dressed in our dresses.

Kaylani curled her shoulder length hair and applied natural make up. She wore a cute navy blue short dress that ended mid thigh .The collar was black with  sparkles on it.
With matching glass six inch blue heels.

Maxine kept her hair straight and applied only heavey eye liner, and dark red lipstick.She wore a blue lace dress that ended mid thigh and wore black  six inch heels.

Tae curled her hair and apllied natural make up. She applied hot pink lipstick and wore a blue ball gown like dress with sparkles on the bust. She wore glass white six inche heels.

I straightend my waist long hair and left it flowing down my shoulders.I applied light make up and applied glassy pink lipstick.The dress on side and matching six inch heels.

"Lets go and party!!!", Kaylani shouted while taking a snapchat video. Wow i think she is obessed with snap chat.

" You should go to rehab cause all you do all day is be on snap chat ", i said while walking out of Tae's  room . On our way we met Stella wearing a light blue lace dress that went to the floor. " Why is she wearing a light blue dress when the theme is navy  blue",Tae asked with shock written all over her face.

Kaylani grunted and rolled her eyes."Apart from being ugly and stupid the hoe as an extra talent.She is colour blind .YAYYY"She said faking exitement before she rolled her eyes and looked back at her phone.

Tae, Maxine and i were trying so hard not to laugh as Stella huffed and went upstairs probably to look for  Sean."Sad, sad Stella.The hoe doesnt even know how to read but when it comes to chasing after Sean she will always be number one",Maxine said rolling her eyes while walking towards Tae's ferrari.

I love my friends .They will do anything to make me feel better. We drove to dinner in silence untill we got to the restaurant.As i stepped out  I heard people say things like

Aww she is so cute.

She looks like a good girl and i heard Sean likes it bad.

She looks so young.

I felt too self conscious . I think Tae noticed because she gave me a warm smile. We got to the main table were Sean and his mom were already sitting."Aww hyy honey you look so beautiful",Sean's mom said standing up to greet me.She hugged me and i hugged her back."Thank you Theresa . you dont look too bad yourself", i said smilling warmly at her.

All along i felt eyes burn into my back. I looked around only to see Sean eyeing my body up and down with lust in his eyes . I shifted my position so that Theresa was hiding me a little but i sure didnt miss the smirk on Sean’s face

Sean's  POV

Iam starting to get a little worried about myself .Everytime dimples walkes into the room my heart skips a beat and my wolf gets all turned on and restless.Today when i kissed her  i felt like never pulling away.I know i have kissed so many girls in my life but dimples just got me turned on.

I dont know why but when i saw her walk down the aisle she was the only thing i could notice."Because she is  our mate .you idiot"my wolf said to me in a bored tone.

I rolled my eyes"Shut up !! I love Stella and she is the only girl i wanna love" i said getting a little angry. My wolf scoffed"who are you trying to fool Sean you didnt even get turned on when Stella grinded on you. But your little friend got all happy when you saw Deloris sway her hips to the music in the kitchen".

Urghh i dont have time for this.I blocked my wolf and went to change .The only reason i didnt get turned on was i wasnt in the mood.
"Yea right , you wanted Deloris to be the one grinding on you" my wolf said. Whoa ,whoa whoa, how did he  read my mind when my wall was up.

"You put it down you idiot", Xander scoffed(my wolf). I rolled my eyes and changed into my white tux.After dressing up i was about to open the door when Stella walked in .She was wearing a light blue dress instead of navy ." Stella why are you wearing a light blue dress when  the theme is navy?"i asked a little pissed.

Couldnt she just listen to the rules for once.She walked towards me and hugged  me her perfume making me feel sick.It wasnt as good as Dimples scent of chocolate, roses and cotton candy."Well baby i wanted to be different "Stella whispered in my ear while grinding on me.

I just didnt feel like it so i pushed her away and went out of the house through the back door. I got to the dinner  before my sister and her friends  so that was a relief. I was gretted by my mom and we set at the middle table for  some time before i heard some girls laughing .

I looked up and what i saw made me feel all mushy inside. Dimples was wearing a tight blue dress that went to the floor.The whole time she was talking to my mom i couldnt help but enjoy her body.

Urghhh whats happening to me??. " Ok lets have the  newly weds slow dance for us",the dj said while putting on a slow song  by John legend.I stood up and walked towards dimples who was looking anywhere else but me.

I wrapped my fingers around her chin and lifted it up ."look at me dimples", i whispered. She looked at me her brown eyes big.I led her towards the dance floor and held her close to me. She wrapped her hands around my neck as i put my hands on her waist .

We had been  slowy dancing for a while before i felt her arms loosen around my neck i looked down at her and i almost shit my pants


Yaaayyyy iam done .sorry for the cliff hanger guys hope you liked it.



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