15. "He's the magnetic field"

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Everyone seemed to be on edge the last couple of days. Cristy worried about her child and drove into town to give her a call, I could tell she's a little homesick. Alice and Kian have been very giggly with each other and very.. touchy. It's more than obvious that there's something going on with them. Jc can't even look at me, I don't blame him. I messed up very bad this time. I tried apologizing a thousand times but he just ignores me and walks away.

The guy that delivers our food came a few minutes ago and left the food on the doorstep. I grabbed the bags and began unpacking them.

"Hey" Kian's voice surprised me, almost making me drop the carton of milk.

"Hey there" I said with a soft smile.

He grabbed an apple from one of the bags and took a bite, "so um, what's going on around here? Cristy's on edge and Jc seems upset and you've been, I don't know.. weird I guess"

"Weird? How?" I asked as I put away the eggs and cheese.

"You usually smile but now a days you have a military face and it's weird because like I said you usually smile, you're Bailey"

I let out a huff, "woah, you know me so well" I said sarcastically, "there's been something I've wanted to ask you about"

He looked at me and motioned me to continue with the hand he held the apple in. I sat across from him on the counter and grabbed his apple from his hand and took a bite.

"So you and Alice? What's going on?"

"What do you mean? We're friends" he said as he took the apple back.

"Mhmm" I crooned, "touch over here, touch over there, that doesn't seem like just friends"

"Oh really? What about you and Jc? Late night talks here, picnic dates over there, that doesn't seem like just friends"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the table that was filled with cookie crumbs.

"What did you do to him?" He asked calmly.

His question didn't take me by surprise at all, I knew by saying all that bs I would get caught and make a huge mess out of it that I wouldn't be able to clean up. Great freaking job Bailey, Jc hates me and now Kian will hate me too, they actually deserve to hate me, I would hate me.

"I.. I said really rude and disrespectful things about him and believe me when I say I'm so, so very sorry. I panicked." I tried to explain but everything that came out of my mouth sounded mixed up and tangled.

He scratched his head and looked at me, "you panicked because he likes you?" He asked confused.

"Slightly true. I-I panicked because.. I'm so confused, I think I like him but then I don't know because mother always gets in my head yelling at me about my wedding and I can't like Jc, I belong to Tyler"

Kian put his hands up telling me to stop talking, "you don't belong to fucking anybody, not Jc not Tyler and not your mother. You're suppose to be confused at this age you're still a kid that's being introduced into the adult world so hell yeah you're suppose to be confused, it's normal Bails"

I laid my head against the counter and let the cool counter send chills down my spine, "how is he?"

"He's devastated, I've honestly never seen him like this and as his best friend, I don't know what to do" he confessed as he laid his head against the counter along with me.

I let out a long breath, "I feel horrible, I miss him. His smile, his laugh, his stupid jokes and the way he says 'awesome' in the dumbest tone ever"

"Awesome.." Kian said in that weird tone that I very much enjoy.

"Not the same but good try" I chuckled.

"Bailey? Can you answer this question with nothing but the truth, no explanations, no excuses just the simple truth?"

"Go ahead, ask me anything" I sighed as I kept thinking about Jc.

"Do you have feelings for him at all?" Kian asked.

I closed my eyes and thought about all of this for a second. Nothing ever made sense in my life, two parents forcing their only child into an arrange marriage with a guy she's knows all her life yet only knows three things about him. Nothing makes sense but one thing does, the way I feel about this specific person named Jc. I've never messed up in my life before but now I've destroyed his trust and his respect towards me. When I say I messed up I actually mean it. There's just something with him that pulls me closer and closer like a magnet.

"Yes Kian, I do" I said as I clenched my fist tighter every time a word came out.

I'm the magnet and he's the magnetic field. That's how we work, I'm nothing until he comes along and pulls me towards him, he's just this pull that's like magic and once together it's hard to separate.

That's who we are.

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