19. "New Beginning?"

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He spoke again and I wish we would have stayed in silent for a little longer because I didn't know what to say or what to think about what he just said.

"So Bailey, who did you run from?"

I rubbed my eyes to stop the tears from coming, I'm such a cry baby, I hate it.

"His name is Justin" I said as I rubbed my arms.

"And why did you run?"

I pulled my knees to my chest, "he hurt me, he hurt me so bad that I ran and believe me I've never ran from anything and now I feel so confused. Why would I run from him? If he hurt me then I should just face it and get it over with"

He shrugged his shoulders, "maybe this really got to you and you didn't know what to do so you left"

"Maybe" I repeated.

"That's not the only think bothering you" he said as he rubbed my shoulder.

"How would you know?" I asked as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"When I look into your eyes I see a girl trying to cover her pain with what she calls a smile"

I looked away from his eyes and squeezed my eyes shut, "when I was five I wanted to be a princess, then when I was seven I wanted to grow up already and get married to an amazing guy, and when I was fifteen I wanted to be happy. I haven't moved on since then, that's my only wish, to be happy"

He lifted my face up, "why aren't you?"

"You're not understanding what I'm saying, Justin, the guy I ran from, made me happy, h-he made me feel so good and made me so happy, you can't even imagine how he made me feel in a matter of weeks" I said as I covered my face with my hands.

"Love is always the hardest thing but you have to find a way to get through it"

Love? I don't think it's love I just like him. Why is this so complicated to explain?

"I'm guessing you don't live around here"

I shook my head, "I live all the way in Seattle, but I came here for the summer to have fun with friends and look at me now" I chuckled as I buried my face between my knees.

"Once the summer is over you're going back to Seattle?" He asked as he crossed his legs.

"that's the plan"

"How long is that? A month and a half?" I nodded my head in response, "Bailey, if you're so unhappy with your situation come with me"

He's crazy!

"What? No way! You're crazy! If my mother finds out I'll be dead, like dead!" I said frightened by even thinking about it.

He got up from the bed and made me calm down, "listen, this could be the plan, so you and I go on that bus tomorrow and you can live with me in my apartment for that month and a half and once it's time for you to leave you'll come back here and then you'll fly back to Seattle but if you really like it there you can come live with me, my apartment is only like five or six hours away"

I covered my face but not because this was a crazy plan but because I was actually considering it.

"What if they come looking for me? I brought a car here with me I can't just abandon it"

"Who ever 'they' is will probably come around here asking questions and you can give the lady in the office a letter and the car keys to give to them, think about it, this could be a great summer for us both"

"Let's say I do go with you, you do have school to worry about"

"I don't start until spring semester" he smiled.

The Cabin •Jc Caylen•Where stories live. Discover now