44. "Scraps"

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We all stumbled back into the house as I finished my third bottle. A vodka bottle, a Hennessy bottle, and a tequila bottle. At this point I wasn't feeling too well.

"Jc.." I said as I clenched my stomach.

"What?" He asked as he grabbed my shoulders.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and threw up in the trash can.

Cristy and Alice burst out laughing, "you're the first to throw up! You loose!"

I looked up at them and squinted my eyes. Was this really a competition?

"I think it's time for bed, it's already two in the morning" Kian whined.

"Bed? I thought we could do something else" Alice said as she walked over to him and whispered something in his ear.

Kian let out a small giggle and then looked back at the rest of us who were disgusted.

"Jc you're not sleeping in the room tonight" Kian said quickly as Alice began dragging him upstairs, "if you guys hear the bed rocking don't come knocking"

That drove me over the edge and I began throwing up again. I heard his room door slam shut and a few bumps.

"Bailey want me to stay with you?" Cristy slurred as she rubbed her eyes.

"No go to sleep" I said as I held onto the sides of the trash can.

"Goodnight" Cristy yawned as she began to stumble upstairs, "I'll sleep in our old room!"

"Come on baby" Jc slurred as he grabbed my arm and helped me go upstairs.

"No Jc I want more-" I was cut off by gagging again. I ran into my room and straight to the bathroom.

I began throwing up again and heard Jc's footsteps come up behind me.

"Leave, this is so embarrassing" I said as I flushed the toilet as I began throwing up again.

He kneeled down behind me and pulled my hair back as he pat my back. I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and turned around to look at him.

"Thank you" I said as I rubbed his leg and turned back around to throw up some more.

I think Jc really likes me. I think most guys would run at the sight of their girlfriend throwing up. Instead Jc stayed by my side and pulled my hair back.

I hope he's just as crazy about me as I am about him. He takes care of me like I'm made of glass, he shows me so much affection that sometimes it's addicting and I just want more, and he cares for me when I need it, like right now.

"Jc get me another shot" I said as I wiped my mouth with a towel.

"Bailey I don't think you should drink anymore" he said.

"Oh come on" I said, "its not like I'm going to do the same thing I did last time" I hiccuped.

"Its not a good idea"

"I have a headache that's going to make my head explode and I just want to feel that burning sensation down my throat" I said as I began gagging.

Jc grabbed the rubber band from my wrist and tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Anything in particular?" He sighed as he stood up from the ground.

The Cabin •Jc Caylen•Where stories live. Discover now