55. "Jc's moment"

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After our night routine we both laid in bed. When I cried and I needed someone to comfort me he was there to spoon me and give me love and now it's my turn.

I was the big spoon so I had my arm over him as I laid my head against his. I wrapped my leg around his waist and cuddled him.

"Babe?" He said as he held my arm that was around him.

"Yes?" I asked as my free hand stroked his hair and pulled it Away from his face.

"Give me affection" he said softly.

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me, "you already know I love you so very much. I honestly don't know what I would do with out you. I'm not trying to sound cheesy but you changed me as a person" I said as I kissed his shoulder, "and I'm so scared that one day you'll wake up and forget all about me and realize that you don't actually love me and I was just a temporary thing" I said as I hugged him tighter, "I never believed in love but then you walked into my life all of a sudden everything changed. I see things in a different way, I see life as a beautiful thing. I wake up every morning since we've been here and looked forward to seeing you again, and believe me I'll never get tired of that"

"I can't believe I'm so fucking lucky to have met you" he said as he turned around and pulled me closer to his body.

I twirled one of his curls around in my finger and smiled, "my thoughts exact"

"I probably looked like a little bitch today for crying but thank you for being there for me" he said as he smiled.

"Don't apologize, I love you even when you cry. This won't be the first time you'll cry around me just like I'll cry several times around you. In those times we're suppose to be there for each other" I said as I kissed his chin.

"You're just wow" he said as he ran his hand up and down my back.

"Goodnight" I smiled into his chest.


There was a small knock at the door and I groaned and shifted a little. I hoped it would go away but they just kept on knocking.

I let out a groan as I got up so Jc wouldn't wake up. I swung the door open.

"What do you guys want?" I asked as my eyes barley opened, "it's the middle of the night what can possible be so important that you have to knock at my door for?"

"We.. we were bored. We wanted to see if you wanted to hang out?" Cristy asked as he played around with her hands.

"Are you kidding me? Just for that?"

"You're fun.." Kian trailed off.

Well I can't go back to sleep because I've been pulled away from it, "okay fine go" I said as I pushed them out and closed the door slowly not to wake Jc up.

We all walked down stairs and I took a seat on the couch.

"It's so fucking hot in here, open the door" Alice said.

Kian opened the front door and walked into the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Cristy who was smacking her phone. She's frustrated that there's no signal out here.

Kian came back with four beers in his hands.

"You guys called me down here to drink?" I asked shocked as he set he beers down on the coffee table.

"No also to talk.. but drinking was mainly the reason"

"You're fucking fun when you're drunk" Alice said as she grabbed a beer.

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