79. "I Want You"

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Jc and I got all of our blankets and pillows and walked down stairs. We were the first ones there so we pushed the coffee table aside and laid our blankets down. I wanted him to lay down right next to the couch so I would be the only one laying down next to him but he left that side to me.

"Switch" I said as I looked down at him.

"What?" He asked as he looked up at me.

"Switch spots with me" I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I don't want anymore to lay next to you but me" I said.

He let out a small laugh as he switched spots. I laid down and turned to face him.

"I love it when you get jealous" he said as he kissed my cheek.

"I can't wait to show you around my city" I said as I put my leg over him.

"So you're still going to have time showing me around even after your mom kicks you out?" He asked.

I chuckled lightly, "it's a beautiful city we can't miss out on it" I said.

"I can't wait" he smiled.

What if I don't tell Jc about my parents and that city? What if I can actually get away with it? Because if my parents were to kick me out we'll only be in Seattle for one day. I don't think Jc would find the truth in that short period of time. I'll keep him distracted and I'll keep him away from my father's statue.

"Bailey Marie Phoenix!" Cristy shouted.

I let out a small yell and covered my ears.

"You know I hate that name" I said.

"What Marie? Oh come here Marie, such a pretty name" Alice taunted.

"Uh!" I shouted.

"Why do you hate it?" Jc asked.

"Ever since we were little she would hate it because whenever she got in trouble her parents and teachers would just call out 'Marie' it's strange but yeah, and she just hates it" Cristy explained.

"I hate it so much" I said as I rubbed my face, "personally I think it doesn't suit me and I think that it's not a pretty name" I said as kind as possible.

"So you're saying it's a total shit name and you would rather be called anything else but Marie" Cristy said.

"Yes, basically" I said as I licked my lips.

"Wait wasn't that Jc's ex's name?" Alice asked.

Oh Cristy you're so funny. I let out a dry laugh and looked at her, "yes it is"

"The fucking shade" Cristy said softly as she cleared her throat.

"Remember my first boyfriend?" Alice asked changing the subject.

"You had so many boyfriends that I forgot the first" I said as I tied my hair in a bun.

"Holy fuck, Bailey with these fiery shots" Cristy pointed out.

"Wait what? How many boyfriends did you have?" Kian asked.

"I didn't have a lot, maybe seven or eight" she said.

"Eight fucking boyfriends?" He gasped.

"They weren't serious" she explained, "but my first boyfriend, his name was Andrew" she said.

"Oh I remember Andrew" I said, "he was really nice"

"My first boyfriend was Jackson" Cristy said.

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