Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

School meeting, check. Homework, check. Gun, check. I felt the gun hidden in the back my pants to make sure it was there. I grab my bag and headed at the door way. My ride is here. I walk towards the car and saw Kyle sitting inside. Guess he's my driver for today.

"So, any news?" asked Kyle, not bothering to look at me.

"Same as usual. Now drive. I have to be early, school is having another meeting about the drug distribution going around. " I ordered. I wasn't exactly having what you call a "good morning". He chuckled abit then turned his head towards me.

"They are never going to catch them. Their leader is just way too damn good." I heard the sarcasm in his tone, but yes their leader is hella good.

"Just drive. I don't need to be late." I nudged his shoulder.

As I arrived at school, I checked the time. God I'm late. Well not really, but I always have to be the first one there. Okay, I got this no need to panic I'm sure I didn't miss anything yet. I kept glancing at my phone to check the time, while walking as fast as I can. I was about to open the door that leads to the office when I feel my phone vibrate. Am I that late already? I felt the door for the door knob until I finally reached it. I was about to open the door when it swung open, knocking me down.

I quickly gathered up my things and got up. I look at the person standing in front of me not even bothering to help me pick up my things. He had a stupid smile on his face, which looked more like a smirk. I raised an eyebrow in return.

"I think you just fell for me. "

I gave out a disgusted look. "You wish."

I continued to walk trying to forget about that asshole. As soon as I got to the room, it was empty. I know I'm late, but I'm not That late. I took out my phone to text the others about what ever happened to the meeting. I still haven't read the message I got before being violently hit by the door.

"Meetings cancelled."

Are you serious?

I got to class pretty late as well. I had to make a delivery on my way. Yes, even I have to do it. I shoved the small plastic bag inside my backpack to hide the rest.

"Did you do the delivery?" whispered Kyle as I take my seat beside him.

I raised an eyebrow. "Duh."

"and the money?"

"Stashed it." I smiled. "You seriously think I'll forget? Remember what you said about how good your leader was earlier."

He gave little smirk, but we kept our mouths shut as soon as we saw Ms. Nancy walk in the room.

Finally lunch. As I walked in the cafeteria, I saw Kyle and the rest of the gang sitting on their usual spot. I walked passed them and headed for the table where the bratty smart kids are sitting on. I gave a little nod as I passed by and they nodded back. I can't be seen with them. The school might know something's up.

There's always been some sort of barrier separating the gang members and the snobby smart kids, which means they don't talk to each other about anything. Bratty smart kids look down on guys like Kyle. They think he'll have no future and rot in prison, which makes my blood boil. Do they even know what they're talking about?

In school everybody already knows about Kyle and his group being in a gang. They are the kind of guys who are known to get any girls they want. The kind of guys who would get drunk and high whenever they please. But those are just rumors. They are great people with great hearts.

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