Chapter 13

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(Chapter dedicated to Ataxophobia for making the really cool trailer on the side.)

Chapter 13

“So when am I gonna to meet your mom?”

I groan. “You’re never going to meet her.”

“Why the hell not? “He asks, twirling the pen with his finger in boredom.

“Jay you were lying about that, again.” I emphasize.

“Well, it doesn’t have to be a lie.” He faces me with an expression I can’t point out.

I roll my eyes. It’s only the second day of detention and I hate every minute of it. Why did I punch the guy in school? I could have waited until he stepped out of the campus before connecting my fist with his nose. Now, I'm stuck here. Three hours of everyday for a week. 

After Jay filled my mother in with lies on how were dating yesterday, she wanted to go meet him. I don’t even know why he’s doing this. Is it to annoy me? He has never paid attention to me before, and we’ve been going to the same school all our high school life. His sudden interest is both flattering and annoying at the same time. 

I honestly didn’t even think twice about him meeting my mother. First, we are not dating. Second, she disagrees with everything I do. Plus, why is she caring now? Why just now? 

Why is everyone suddenly interested now?

I push the remaining strand of my hair out of my face, walking towards my car. I have been driving myself every day. Nothing threatening has happened since that day at the party, which I'm thankful for. 

“Hey.” A voice interrupts my walking. I turn around to see Jay jogging up to me. “Where you headed to?”

“None of your business.” I continue walking.

I try open my car, but he blocks my path, leaning on the door, with his arms crossed not bulging no matter hard shove him to the side. 

“Get off.” I mutter. “I just want to get some damn coffee and go home. Is that too much to ask for?”

He raises and eyebrow looking amused, a smile tugging on his lips. 

“Let’s go get some coffee then.” He brings his body off my door, grabbing the keys in my hand. 

“Hey!” I protest.

“Just get in the car. I’ll drive.” 

My eyebrows narrow. “I’m not letting you drive my car!”

He smiles. “If you want free coffee, you’ll let me drive.”

I huff, walking around the car to sit on the passenger’s seat. 

After bickering which coffee shop to get drinks from, I finally win after ten minutes.

We walk in the familiar coffee shop I visit almost every day. The place seems empty as usual, leaving it more comfortable for privacy. I take a glance up the menu wondering what to get. Jay promised to pay, so I'm obviously not getting anything cheap. 

“You want the usual?” I look up to see James smiling at me. 

“Nah, I’ll get something different. Any suggestions?” I feel Jay’s presence beside me, listening to our conversation.

“I do have one, but it’s going to be a surprise.” He grins.

I chuckle before nodding. James leaves to make my drink, hopefully it’ll be good. I look to my side to see Jay standing still, jaw clenched. 

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