Chapter 5

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(Yay a chapter! Sorry I haven't been updating. I recently tried out for soccer, but I don't think that would get in the way now.

This chapter is dedicated to omqbooklover for voting! Hope you enjoy!)

"The girl you were with earlier, keep an eye on her, know everything that needs to be known about her. "

What does she have to do with all of this? She's an innocent goody goody. This better not be some sort of game he's playing.

Even though I didn't know why he'd bring her into this, he did say he knows who shot Mike. You have no idea what I'd do just to get revenge. Mike has done so much for me, and I need to pay him back.

I open my eyes, and squint at the sun light shining through my window. Doing my morning routine, my phone started to vibrate on top of my drawer. It's a text from Noah.

"Start keeping an eye on her today."

I didn't reply back. I'm pretty sure he knows I got his message.

Walking the hallway in school, heads started to turn. This always happens everyday but somehow it never gets old. To be honest, I like the attention. Seeing girls wink, giving you their flirtiest smile. The way their boyfriends glare at my direction telling me to stay away. I laugh at this thought, shaking my head. Like I'd actually go after a girl. Girls come to me, not the other way around. I can have any girl I want. Hell, I can even have the girls I don't want.

I continue to smile by myself when I felt a nudge.

"Whatcha thinkin of Jay?" Nick asked, sounding like an over joyed child. "Did you have another girl over last night?" His innocent smile turned into a smirk, raising an eyebrow.

I give him a push with my shoulder nudging him the same way he did to me, making him bump to a random girl. The girl's books and papers dropped on the ground. He immediately crouched down to pick them up for her.

"Oh god, I am so sorry Mary." Nick apologized.

She did not seem to accept his apology, instead she gave him a disgusted look. She crossed her arms and glanced at her books Nick picked up from the ground. I'm guessing Nick got what this meant.

"Oh! u-uh here's your books. " He stuttered. This is stupid. He never stutters like this before! Well, unless he's lying. This guy couldn't lie to save his life. He'd stutter like an idiot.

He continues to look at her as she walks away, never breaking his eyes off of her.

"What was that?!" My voice came out louder than expected. "Are you like, into her?!" I asked, emphasizing the word 'her' while pointing towards her direction.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, I dunno dude. She's just interesting you know?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Uh, no."

He started to pat my back. "Someday dude, someday you'll find someone."

I was disgusted by his comment. Me sticking for one girl? Right.

Finally, lunch. I am starving.

As I walk in the cafeteria, I immediately notice Sade with her usual group of friends. She sat next to the girl Nick drools over. I think her name is Mary or something like that.

"Good morning ladies." I greeted, taking the seat next to Sade.

Her eyes widened as her eyes caught me. Don't worry, I'm surprised too. I never thought I'd see the day I'd be sitting in the "smart" table.

Mary glanced at her phone. "It's 12:50 you idiot." She gave out her usual disgusted look. I swear, that look is always on her face, maybe someday she wouldn't be able to change it and just look like that forever.

My attention my quickly taken away from Mary to the wide eyed Sade. She looks just like that time she kept staring at me during class. Her full attention is obviously on me. I don't know whether its because of shock or because of my amazing looks, but I'm gonna guess its the second one.

Seeing the sight of her made me smile, not sure why but it just did. Its probably her lips. Yeah, its her lips. They're so red, not too red, but god those are wow. Her eyes, its like I don't ever want to take my attention off of them. I know this isn't one of those parts where the guy falls in love with the girl. No, I know for a fact that me and this girl have nothing in common. There's no way in hell I'd go after her.

I tried to hide my smile from appearing, which probably looks like a smirk by now.

"So, doing anything later Sade?" I scoot closer to her.

Her eyes finally moved off me. I'll admit, I wish they stayed a little longer.

She shrugged. "I dunno." Her eyes landed back to me. Her lips curled to their side causing a devious smirk. "Why?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Just thought I'd add a little fun to your boring everyday life." I said, clearly impressed with the comeback I made.

Her eyebrows narrowed, clearly not impressed as I am. "Wow" her mouth formed an 'O' shape. "You seriously think spending time with you would add fun to my life?" her hand is on her chest gesturing to herself.

"I add fun to everyone's life." I fixed my jacket to look confident.

"As much fun it is to hang out with you after school." Sarcasm filled her voice. "I have some stuff to do."

I shook my head. "Like what? study?"

No girl ever turns me down. No one ever. I'm pretty sure not ever her little Mary friend can resist me.

"Busy, busy, busy..." she trailed off, sounding as if she was mocking me.

I got up from my seat next to her. "Okay, I'll give you time to think about it. You are obviously not thinking about the amazing benefits spending time with me has." I smile towards her. She smiled back.

"Okay, bye." She said innocently. "My mind is not changing though." She continued to smile as she give me a little wave goodbye.

"Hey Traiton!" I shout on top of my lungs to catch her attention. She's currently talking to this guy named Kale. I have him for some classes. Even though me and the guy are alike, I don't see us being buddies. He seems to have a problem with me. I don't even know why they're talking to each other. They don't belong in the same group, by that; I mean why is our school president talking to a gang member?

They both turn around. Kale responding to her name as if it were his own. I saw Sade's lips curl up giving me a smile. Kale stood there giving me glare as I walk towards them.

"Soooo, did you finally made up your mind?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes, and like I said, I'm busy." Her voice was calm.

"But pleaseeee?" I pouted sticking my bottom lip out. She laughed at this.

"Dude, back off. She said she's busy." Kale interrupted my pleading. I completely forgotten this assjack is here too.

"Kale, it's okay no need to worry." She assured him. "I'll just have a word with Jay." I let out a snicker, already knowing I won't change my mind. My humor died down when she grabbed my hand to lead me away from assjack. The touch from her hand caused me to shiver. My stomach felt like it was getting stepped on and I was feeling a little nauseous.

What the fuck?

We stopped just a few feet away from assjack. She faced me and her facial expressions were calm.

She breathed in. "Jay, I really am busy. I promise you, I'll go tomorrow." She gave me an assuring smile.

I smirked. "You better keep that promise."

"Sure will." She started to walk back to assjack as she waved me goodbye from above her shoulder.

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