Chapter 7

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(Changed the cover! The previous cover will be at the side )

"Now can you tell me where we're going?" I asked for the third time. 

"Stop asking, you'll see." He responded as we walk down the parking lot to where I'm guessing he parked his car. 

I stopped taking anymore steps so did he. "Tell me. " I demanded crossing my arms to my chest. 

"C'mon, you're acting like a child." 

" I am not acting like I child. I just simply am curious." I wasn't lying. I knew I had to watch my back. My life isn't actually very safe as some people would probably describe it. 

He took a deep breath. "Okay. " He put his hands together, finally surrendering. "I wanted to go somewhere fun, but not too crazy. I know you have like a fun limit or something. "

I caught sight of his car. It was pitched black, even the windows are tinted. The car didn't look cheap. It must have cost a fortune to get your hands on one.

I'm guessing I'm sitting up in front next to him. I was about to help myself and get in the front seat when he suddenly opened the door for me. I knew it wasn't a big deal or anything, but I think I started blushing. I managed to mumble out a "thank you." which I'm pretty sure he didn't hear since it came out so low. 

The inside of the car looked so clean. If I hadn't seen this car before, I would have mistaken it for being new. 

"Your car is so clean." I wanted to slap myself across the face. Why did I say that? I mean, obviously he knows that. 

"Thanks. I try." He turned to look at me, hopefully my face did not resemble a tomato as much as I think it did. 

 There was moment of silence. I didn't find it uncomfortable.  He was looking at me the whole time. It reminded me of the time I sat beside him in the hospital. His eyes roamed around my face, as if he were searching for something. I didn't blink, I couldn't. My eyes roamed around his perfectly structured face for any clue what he's looking for. Soon, I was lost. I couldn't help but stare at his lips. He was smiling, revealing his incredibly white teeth. His lips were a beautiful shade of red, using every bit of my force not to look at them too long. His eyes looked so dark and mysterious. He does not look like a person any guy would mess with. But I'm up for a challenge. 

I noticed his lips move, curling up to a smirk. His movement brought me back to reality. 

"Do I have something in my face?" I asked, wiping my cheeks with my hand. 

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