Chapter 18

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 Chapter 18

“Listen here. It’s either you pay or you die.”  Kyle slams his fist on the table.

“I- I’ll get you your money. J-ju-just give me time.” The man stammers, finding it hard to speak because of fear. He looks about in his late forties with his old t-shirt and baggy ripped jeans just like any junkie would. Tied and under interrogation for not meeting our expectation about the payment, he’s sweating like crazy.

“All right.” Kyle grins, the man lets out a sigh of relief. Looking around, he gives Kale, Raven, and me a nod. “You guys know what to do.”

Raven lifts the black pistol, pointing it directly towards the junkie.

The man starts going frantic “P-please! I have two daughters. Y-you can’t do this!”

“Well should’ve thought of that before you got yourself into this.” Raven says flatly, gripping the gun tighter for a good aim.

The man continues to beg, but none of us bulges. “Please, please, please! Don’t do this. No one will take care of my kids!”

Seeing him talk about his daughters like they are the only things worth living for, strikes an area in my heart. No, I don’t want to give in. I’m not going to.

“Any last words?” Kale asks.

The druggie closes his eyes slowly, accepting what is about to happen. He’s given up.

“Stop.” I say softly. All heads snap up to me. “Put it on hold for a while. Give him a few more weeks.” With that, I walk out the room.


I rub my hands together trying to create heat. The cold grocery store sends goose bumps all over my body. Here, I stand on the ice cream isle debating whether I should get cookie dough or mint chocolate chip.

“Does it really matter?”

“Of course it matters!” I defend. I chose what I wanted to do after high school faster than this.

Raven chuckles, shaking his head. He walks over to a different aisle. I don’t bother on following, I need all my concentration on which ice cream I should get.

When Mary called after the interrogation, I wasn’t thinking very clearly. Somehow, she got me to agree on letting her sleepover at my house. I guess it’s her way of trying to get close and be friends. Not being sure whether it’s going to be fun or not, I needed a backup. Luckily, she brought up the idea of food. This had me smiling brightly and running up to the store.

The voices of different people buying what they need surround my ears, but one seems to stand out. Shaking it off, I try to focus on what I came here to do.

Just pick one already

I open the clear refrigerator door and grab any container, not bothering to look which one I picked up. Does it even matter?

Turning around ready to find a certain furry eye browed boy in the name of Raven with cold freezing hands, I struggle to keep the container from slipping. I walk around from isle to isle ready to tell him to get his butt back in the car and drive me home, when suddenly the frozen ice cream slips out of my hands, hitting the tiled floor. Sighing, I bend down to pick the container when I notice someone has picked it up for me.

“Cookie dough?” He questions reading the big words written on it. “Isn’t that like bad for you?”

“They wouldn’t make it into ice cream if it was bad for you.” I reason. “Now, hand it over Jay.”

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