Chapter 6

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(I have done completely nothing productive with my life lately. So, I decided to update.

Dedicated to ProdigyGirl45 for following )


"Okay Kale, what now?" I turned around with my arms crossed on my chest.

He raised an eyebrow. The serious over protective Kale was now gone, here we have the playful and annoying Kale back. "What? Cant have a little time together?" He asked smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously though, what?"

He laughed "Oh miss president aren't you forgetting your duty?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Mee-ting." He said slowly as if I were a stupid child.

My eyes widen at the sudden realization. "Um er, I gotta gooo.." I tried to sound casual as if I hadn't actually forgotten about the meeting.

"You forgot didn't you?" Playfulness filled his tone.

"No." I snapped.

I turned my back on him and started to walk back towards the room where the meeting's being held. I heard a faint chuckle as I walk away. I raise an arm to show above my shoulder and flipped him off.


"So, there this guy that like drools over me and stuff......." Mary started to babble. As the usual routine, I started to drift off to an open eyed sleep.

Please shut up

"....So you know he bumped into me right...."

Ugh, take me away from here.

"...But I prefer his friend Jay..." My eyes shot up and my head turned fast towards her at the mention of his name.

"Who?" I asked.

"The guy from lunch, remember he was all like 'Good morning ladies'. " She mocked and I laugh at the hilarious impression of him.

"Ohhh.. him. What about him?" I didn't wanna sound like I was curious, but I'm pretty sure I failed.

"Don't you think he's like," she thought for a moment for the right word. "hot?"

I scrunched my eyebrows trying to look disgusted as possible.

He is not hot

Maybe if I tell myself that enough ill believe it.

This isn't like Mary to call anyone hot or atleast like someone. She's the school's Vice President. Her whole world revolves around fundraisings and school events. If anything, she hates everything that doesn't relate to those things.

"So You think Jay is drooling over you?" I tried to put her words from earlier together.

She looked at me as if I grew another head. "No, his friend Nick." You can tell she's pissed that I wasn't paying attention.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked

She shrugged. "For the first time ever," She paused. "I have no idea."

"Ms. Traiton, you're up." The school principal cut me off before I could even speak, ending me and Mary's conversation.


"So how was the meeting?" Kale asked while opening the car door for me.

"It was alright." I smiled thanking him for opening the door for me. He gave a nod and smiled back in return.

I sat on the front seat of his car while Kale made his way on the driver's seat.

"Oh! don't forget. Tell everyone to leave everything at the warehouse unless they want to get caught." I said sounding casual like I just told him our teachers going to be absent. "And Mr. Lee going to be out tomorrow."

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