Chapter 33: You Can't

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Izzy paced around her room thinking what to do about her date .

Should I curl my hair ? Should I wear something unique ? Maybe something pink...?

"What am I doing ? This isn't me!" Izzy  said before someone knocked on her door

"Come in Mama!" Izzy shouted

" You okay honey? I heard you yelling.." Harley asked walking in and closing the door

"it's nothing.."

"Come on you can tell me."

Izzy but her lip before asking " is... dad home ?"

Harley shook her head as she sat on her bed " He left for an early crime."

"Okay. Mom , I'm going on a date."

"REALLY ?! With boy wonder !!?" Harley jumped off the bed

" Yes mom. Please quiet done , I'm nervous enough..." Izzy said

" Do you need help with anything at all?!? I mean , i-if you need help-"

"Yes mama, I need help" Izzy laughed


Dick stood with a rose in his hand with a purple and black rose tied around it

" Here we go ." He said before walking down the stairs to the front doors


Dick stopped and turned around to the voice of Bruce's .

"Where are you going?" He asked

"O-oh, Me and Izzy are going on a date! I finally had the guts to take her on one!" Dick chuckled white scratching this head

" I was planning on giving her this rose and taking her for some food and maybe even walk around just enjoying the view of places-"

"Dick , we need to talk about Izzy."

"Huh, what about?"

"You can't keep seeing her."



Izzy put on a red silk shirt with ripped washed out jeans and high knee black boots with heals.

"Red.. this favorite color" Izzy smiled.

For her makeup, she put on eyeliner with dark red lipstick. And her the finishing touch. She put now in her hair.

"Mom is good when it comes to romance." Izzy laughs before walking out her room and towards the door

" Sweetie ! Bring a jacket and an umbrella! I'm sure it's going to rain!" Harley called out to her

"I'll bring a jacket but I'm sure He'll bring a umbrella!" Izzy called out taking her black leather jacket and putting it on. She then takes a white rose with red and green bows tied around it.

"And if he doesn't!?!"

"He won't leave me to be wet in the rain. He'll be there."

She smiles and sighs before stepping out.


"...w-what you mean I can't keep seeing her..?" Dick asked in shock

"You can't keep this relationship going on any longer, especially with .. her."

" 'With her?' What's wrong about Izzy that I can't have feelings for her?!?"


"She's amazing with a good and pure heart !! Sure she has had a bad background buts that's in the past ! All I want is a further with her and not worry about the goddamn past !!"

"Dick listen to me."

"NO! She saved your life !!! She saved our lives !!! She chose not to shoot us even with you injured and this is how you're repaying her !! Don't think to lie about you not doubting yourself for a second!"

"SHES A VILLAIN  FOR CRYING OUT LOUD !! She's the daughter of the two deadliest psychopathic killers of all of Gotham!
How do you know to trust her ?!? She could turn her back on you any moment now !"

"Because ... I love her ..."

"You're a hero , she's a villain!-"

"I don't care about that! I don't care for those labels! I love her and I will never turn my back on her !!"

"We'll see about that."


Izzy shivered in the rain waiting for the arrival of her boyfriend.

It has been about 30 minutes , after date was supposed to start .

" he's not showing up is he ..?" She asked her self

Without helping it ... she starts crying in rain.

A Blood Drop Of Madness : Joker's And Harley Quinn's Daughter { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now