Chapter 1 : Perfect Day

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Oh what a perfect day! The sun is shining, the church bells are ringing ,wedding songs are playing and that Margarette, acting all happy and emotional. She made it! She seduced her way to my dad's wallet. I could just high five the face.......with a chair.....made of steel...multiple times. I hate you so much I wish you’d have a surprise period in a shark tank! I should have known, should have listened to the signs. It was all there, sending each other cute little stuffed toys, calling each other with secret codes. I mean, who does that?

I’m fifteen now and I need my dad more than that Margarette. Earlier today, he asked me if he made the right decision. And I was like, what the crappin heck?! You're asking me if you made a right decision. It's like you're asking me if cows can fly. Of course not, Mr. Jerry Thorne, you did not make the right decision. Yeah, that's right! Ask me when I can't do anything about it anymore. I can't just stop the wedding...or can I?

The theme of the wedding is white. How lovely! I decided to wear my long black dress, my black veil and my black heels. To show them what my heart feels about this. I sat on the back, sobbing and it looks like everyone's attention is on me.

Dad doesn't seem to care- as usual. I’m really not trying to make a scene or anything. I just wanna show them that I’m not really into this wedding thing.

Well they can both be happy this day, but only this day and let me tell you, Margarette. The next days are gonna get worse.

"If any ...of you ...has reasons why these two should not married..." The priest's words were slow and boring but that made my heart beat fast. Oh no. I've got to make a plan. 

"Speak now....or forever....hold y-"

"Daddy, NO!"

I ran to him and acted like Im having a seizure attack. People were making their way to me, murmuring. I just closed my eyes so I won’t see them and hoped and prayed that I won't regret this when time comes.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest exclaimed. 

What the? Im having a seizure attack and you still go on with the ceremony. But wait..WAIT...WAIT!!! NO!! I stood up and ran to my dad. 

"Daddy, NO! Don't do this to me!!" I shook his arms. "She doesn't like me..." I cried. "Victoria, What do you think you're doing? Stop trying to humiliate me. You're also humiliating yourself!" He whispered angrily.  " Please? I don't like her and she doesn't like me.."  I cried to him.

"What are you talking about. Victoria you better stop making a scene. I didn't mind what you did earlier but now you’re just going too far!" he whispered madly. "But she doesn't like meee!!" I pleaded. "No! She loves you like her own. What are you talking about!?"

I saw Margarette roll her eyes as she smirked deviously.  "...I hope you get fat and saggy!" I pointed at her face.

After that, I ran and cried loud until I got to the back of the church.  There was a small hidden garden with a mini forest. 

I chose a tree, climbed it and sat on a huge branch.

As I was climbing the tree earlier, my dress ripped apart and my face started to bloat. I just want to get out of this place.Everybody thinks this is the happy ending of Margarette where in fact it's my worst nightmare. I can’t understand why! I wish mom would barge in the church doors and we'll both drag that woman out of our lives.

I wiped my tears with my dirty hands. My make up is smudging already. "Oh what a perfect day!" I sighed in the middle of tears as I looked up to the heavens.

Wish you were here, mom. Why did you ever leave?

My sparkly black shoe fell down from my feet. And then I heard a dude shout.

"Oh ! My eye !" 

I looked down and found a guy about to make a move. He and his girlfriend looked up and the girl was like 

"Uh-oh girl you did not just ruin my 'suppose to' make out with my guy!"

"Oops.." I whispered.    

In my mind I was like "Girl, life isn't a garden so STOP being a hoe."

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