Chapter 31: I'm back!

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"...they were different people now. Her heart ached, because she couldn't imagine how they could find their way back to the person they'd once been."

I closed my book and sighed. It's 5:20 in the morning and I am sitting on the balcony where mom and I used to sit during summer.

My eyes saw how the light slowly scattered and devoured the darkness. It was a sight worth seeing every single day. I liked it. I like how it makes me feel and think...and breathe.

Today, memories of Zach filled my head. I can't deny that. Does he ever think of me too? What will I do if I see him again? Will I be mad or ecstatic? Those are some of the questions in my head.

Summer is just around the corner, next week I will be relaxing. I'm thinking of working for our company. Since, I'm going to manage it someday. It could be my summer job. I'm asked myself why.

There's still a part of me hoping to see him in the company. That's not a good way to move on. Change topic. I'll have a summer job in America's largest oil company next week, but for now, I should go to school and fix my life.


"Good morning sweet cheeks!" He must've heard me coming down.

"What?" I kissed my dad.

"School is ending next week." He removed his glasses and placed his newspaper down.

"I know right!" I took my fork and gobbled down the pancake.

"You're brother is already on vacation." He sipped his slimming tea, which by the way tasted like a medley of dried leaves with cow crap. Yuck!

"And that concerns me, why?"

"Where would you two want to go?"

I watched him drink his tea that will never make him slim.

"No, I was kind of thinking of a staycation."

"Really, daughter?"

"Course not, father. I want to go on a European Cruise."

"Let's get that fixed as soon as possible. " He took a pancake from my plate and bit it, he was also kind enough to put it back like nothing happened.

"Off to school!" I hugged him and went out of the house.


The car is different today, just a regular car.

"Good morning Victoria." Mr. Keef gave me a cheerful greeting.

"Good morning, boss Keef." I smiled and entered the car.

"Looks like I'm gonna have a hard time running away! I'm happy that you're my driver, Mr. Keef." I smiled.

"It's always my pleasure to drive for you.." He laughed. Not surprisingly, I have two new body guards. One sat beside Mr. Keef and another sat beside me.

All of them were wearing the aviators I bought for my bodyguards before.

"How's school?" Mr.Keef suddenly asked.

"Oh Please. We both know that everybody in the house knows what's happening to me."

"I don't" He shrugged.

"Mr. Keef, school is fantastic! My friends welcomed me, they were all happy." It's sort of a tongue on the cheek moment. He kept silent.

"Is it true? That you were with us in CapeTown?"


"Mr.Keef, please tell me the truth and not what dad paid you to say. I've known you since I was four and I've trusted you with my whole life. So tell me, were you there when Zach and I were in Cape Town?"

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