Chapter 7: New..just New

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Author's Note: 🙋☺😜

Im so sorry for not updating Regularly...It's because of school. Thanks for the 40+readers. Hahaha *facepalm*

Please do have patience. Patience is a virtue, my dears. Please continue to read FITM. It will be better, crazier, funnier and romantic :) Promise! Hahaha

Please wait for my updates.


How do I say this...uhmm.

I should have done this a million years ago. This is the kind of life that I chose to walk away from? Body guards following you around, (I have 3, actually).

I can live like this everyday, all I have to do is choose living this way.I'm not being materialistic but I should spoil myself a little once in a while.

I looked at my watch.

"Hmm..5 o' clock pm. There's still 7 more hours." I smiled.

"Excuse me miss, what?' Said one of my bodyguards.

"Excuse me, am I asking for your opinion?"

Then I rolled my eyes. Could he not respect me? I am having a moment here.

"Are we there yet? It feels like were not moving."


"...this is stupendous, I've been waiting and this is all you..."


"...what do you think? I've been waiting here like a dog.."

"MISS!" He raised his voice.


"We're here. We've been parked here for 15 minutes."


"Get my bag!" I said, fixing my long blonde hair.

Another bodyguard opened the door for me and I made my way out of the car.

Oh this is just like Time Square but less...super less. At least I can see some brands that I like.

Before I went in the mall, I decided to walk around and explore the place.

There's this one shop called "Mister Hipster". The 2 storey building looks like an apartment turned to a shop.

I noticed the clothes displayed there. It reminded me of my designs when I was young. This made me inspired again. I saw a flower crown with dandelions and sunflowers.

"Aaawe. So cute!"

When I was about to buy it, I looked at the tag.

My jaw nearly dropped. Then I just quietly walked away.

There's another boutique that sells some vintage clothes.

I saw a black dress with white polka dots.

"Oh. My. Goodness. This is so my style."

My eyes shimmered as the cashier bagged my new dress.

"New dress...check!"

I smiled and walked out the store.

I finally made up my mind and decided to go inside the mall.

I have 3 tall men in suites following me everywhere I go. One has a small rectangular pink paper bag.

It's been 2 hours and I still can't find a gift for myself. Maybe shoes. Yeah! I need to buy me some nice nice shoes.

I already bought 3 pairs but I still don't know why my girly senses are tingling. They usually tingle when I'm not contented.

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