Chapter 18: You don't mess with me

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The moment I entered the room, Zach's head turned to my direction and he kept something.

"Where've you been?" He raised his brow.

"Somewhere." I went to my bed. Irritating much?

"Somewhere like where?" He said as though he is the person who needs to know.

"Somewhere where I got these." I raised my paperbags.

"Why did you go out? Why didn't you ask me to go with you?" He raised his voice like a whiny little child and walked towards me.

"Excuse me? Why do I need to do that? I can do whatever I want without you knowing it," I raised my voice too.

"You're just like my dad!" I rolled my eyes.

I am just tired because of the travel and I'm really sleepy.

"There could be a rapist or a killer or a pedoph-"

"Look. You don't know me that well, I don't know you that much. Who knows, you might wanna rob me or kill me, so yeah." I said, not analyzing anything. I just want this to be over, I need some sleep.

"Haha. Not funny,"

"Now tell me, why did you go there alone? Please just tell me. "

"No. Now get outta my way, I need to sleep."

"Why can't you just tell me? Is it because of a boy or something?" He made a cute smile.

"Or something." I rolled my eyes an went to the bathroom.

When I was about to close it, he pushed the door wide open, leaving his foot on the wall so I can't close it.

"Move." I threatened him.

"Make me." He looked straight into my eyes and smirked.

" I said move!" I shut the door hard.

He let out a small shriek.

"I'm gonna kick the door. I'm gonna kick it." I heard him post a threat.

Whatever, Zach! I just need to put my bun down, brush it a bit-

"Don't make me come in there, Victoria Thorne."

Wait. Did he just say Thorne?

"I'm gonna count 1-3."

How did he kn-

"1" He kicked the door wide open.

"What the fudge brownie!?"

"I told you don't make me say three."

"Did you just kick the door? Let me tell you, Mister, you just broke it. Now, you're gonna have to pay for the lock and that huge hole in the middle. " I pointed at the loose doorknob and the hole so big, I can fit Australia there.

" Tell me now, or else..."

"Or else what?"

He quickly ran to my bed and ransacked my paper bags.

I followed him and he raised the shoe I bought from earlier.

"Or else, THIS!" He smirked.

I put my hands on my hip while raising my brow.

My eyes widened as he went to the balcony and threw my shoe into the darkness.

"What the fudgenuggets, Zach!!" I screamed in anger, when it's in fact, too late.

"Hahhhahaha!" He was turning red because of laughing.

"You homo-freak-criminal, you stupid butthead jerk dog face jerk! I hate you!!" I said all the words I thought of, not minding if they mean anything. I'm not good with cussing or hurting other people through words, sorry.

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