Chapter 6: Change

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So now I'm looking at the clock. It's still pretty early.

"Think Victoria, think." I whispered as I jumped on my bed.

It's about time I use the resources I have.

Although, I'm really saving it for my future life, my future family, my future businesses, all those things. Maybe this is the future; But of course without the businesses and family stuff.

I sat up and looked around my room. I noticed how it's filled with all sorts of school stuff. Diorama of the solar system, skeletal system and the excretory system. My books were scattered on the desk.

A poster of the Periodic table pinned on my ceiling. Pinned flyers of different universities overlapping each other on my cork board. Is this it? Is this my life? Am I happy with all these? Can I live like this until my deathday?

I went to my walk in closet and I have observed that my taste in fashion changed. Now I'm kinda sad and worried.

" What happened to me? Whu-what is this shnit?" I said as I pulled a green turtleneck sweater that says "Copper+Tellurium=ME (CuTe)"

I used to make my own designs. Whenever mom sees my work, she would always tell me that I did great and we would fantasize about my future fashion line.

Maybe I lost my interest know, she uhhm..left.

So I buried my face with textbooks and encyclopedias and Math.

So change topic.

Yayy! It's still my birthday.

9 hours more before the day ends. My inner self is telling me that I have to change. Like, do what Victoria really really wants to do. What I need to do is celebrate. Since I don't have any friends to celebrate, I'll just go and celebrate all by myself.

"Yeah.." I uttered. Not partially convinced.  "Yeeeah!" I convinced myself and jumped out of my bed.

I just have to find my credit card and then I can go. If only I can remember...

"Where did I put it again?" I asked myself.

It took me nearly and hour to find it inside my lion stuff toy because I only use my card when it's important and for my school projects aaand of course for gas. Yes. Gas. Gas too is important but this is also important and this probably counts. So much for being an amateur surgeon. Poor Leon my pet Lion.

I changed my clothes, went down and asked for the bodyguards to go with me. Dad hired them waaaay back then but I always resisted their 'guarding services' because as I said: "I want a normal life." I'm stupid. What I said was stupid.

But I think the normal life isn't for me. I hate normal, it sucks. Normal is boring.

They were all surprised when I went down. The maids, the bodyguards and the other staffs. They knew I don't go out on weekdays. The part where they got most shocked is when I said "I'm going to the mall, can I please have my bodyguards."

Well. That was new for them.

Anyways. I just want things to be different now and If I want things to be different then I have to try out new things. I mean, I can't do something over and over again and expected to have a different result.

Now, I'm a girl with a credit card and I am sooo not afraid to use it. Nothing can stop me now.


Author's Note:

Hey you! Yes you! Hope you're liking what you're reading. Cuz Im loving what I'm writing.

Aren't you excited? Victoria's going to change herself. The next chapter is going to be about her step number 2 in changing.

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