Chapter 11

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Everything changes in only a matter of seconds. One second I was alone, and the next I have 7 amazing friends. One minute I was being being abused, the next I'm living in a mansion with one of my friends. One second I can't remember anything and the next, everything changes in only a matter of seconds. And one day, I woke up and remembered everything about  my father, except, however, where he was or why he left me and mom. It was like I dreamed about him and everything about him and when I woke up this morning it was still there. Nothing was gone like every other day. Like I knew I had a dream about him but then I was gone when I woke up in the morning but today it was different. Today I remember.
My dad didn't look like me. I was short, he was tall. He looked fancy, but he wasn't rich. He was middle class. Mom and I were low class. We didn't have a lot of more and we were struggling to survive. My mom was happy until my father left us. She never yelled at me or hit me or even usec cruel language. My mom would call me by my name, she loved me once, Maybe she could love me again. I hoped so. I want my mom to be apart of my life but I wanted the happy version of her, not this version. She's cruel and mean and abusive and she never would think twice before abusing and abandoning me but she wasn't always like this, she was once kind and she was once loving. But what changed? It couldn't have been because of just one thing one man did. Why did he leave?
Tamaki checked on me throughout the evening. He was worried about me. I got up and walked into Tamaki's room.
"Hey, I don't feel well, I think that I should stay home from school tomorrow." I said from his doorway.
"Why don't you feel well? Are you sick? Do you want me to call a doctor?" Tamaki started to fuss. I had to make something up on the spot to make him not worry.
"It's okay lady stuff. You know how it is." I said. He went  red with embarrassment and nodded. I turned around and left his room. He won't worry too much now. If he thinks it's just a problem with my lady bits, he won't go on a mission to find out what's wrong. 
And with my night of thinking, I was tired so I went to bed straight away.

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