chapter 3

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I sat on the couch in music room 3 waiting for them to ask me question. They walked in and looked at me.

"So Kira, you have great grades right?" Kyoya asked. I nodded quietly. 'Don't say anything that will get you in trouble.' I thought to myself.

"Why don't you communicate with other people?" He said. I looked at the ground and smiled.

"I use to. I use to love people but I just like being on my own." I smiled.  I totally didn't notice that Hikaru and Kaoru were standing behind me.

"BOO" They yelled in unison. I screamed and fell to the floor. They laughed and looked at me.

"Devils!!!!!!" I yelled at them. They kept laughing.

"Are you sure you don't love the floor?" Hikaru laughed. I stood up and ran out of the room. Within seconds I was flying through the school to get out. I ran all the way home and climb into my bed. I started to cry. 'Is this same sick joke? Are they trying to make me feel sick?' I asked myself. 'Yeah that's what it is. They want to make me feel insecure. I WON'T LET THEM!' I told myself. There was no way they could have followed me. Not home. I'll wait until tomorrow and they can see I don't need to follow the rules.

~time skip~

The next day I walked in the school with pink hair. After I realized they wanted a reaction I temporary dyed my hair pink. I sat in my seat in the class. As students walked in they looked at me funny. I just laughed as they kept looking at me. I was not weak! I was going to prove that. The twins and Haruhi walked in. The twins stopped in there tracks and Haruhi walked right into them. I laughed a little.

"What happened to you?" Hikaru asked rudely.

"Wow, you really are stupid!" I exclaimed. He looked at me with a stupid look.

"At least my hair is naturally orange unlike you who has to dye my hair for attention." He smirked. I ignored it.

"I would prefer that over being so desperate to get a date I would join a host club!" I told him. He looked a little hurt. GOOD. He needed to know how it felt to be hurt like that.

"You don't know anything!" He growled. I laughed.

"I know more then you do." I told him. He again had a very hurt look in his eye as I laughed sickly.

"Kira, what has gotten into you?" He asked sounding hurt.

"Gotten into me, oh nothing." I said with an annoyed expression. I continued to laugh at him. I don't know why I was laughing at him. I just was... I don't want to be mean to him. I really just want him to stop being mean to me. He'll know how it feels to be rejected by someone like this.

"Something has!" He said before turning around and walking away from where I sat. I smirk and pulled my white notebook out. NOTE TO SELF: Hikaru gets hurt when insulted about his brain power!! I closed my notebook and put it in my bag before the bell rang.

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