Chapter 12

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"Kiyo, stand next to your sister." A man's voice said loudly. He tapped the shoulder of the child. There were two girls: one hand long braided hair and the other had long hair but it wasn't braided. The girls were similar in look but one stood slightly taller than the other. One looked smaller and weaker, almost sickly.

 The man stood next too a thin woman, she had pale skin. The man had broad shoulders and a strong build. A family. But what were they doing. There was a camera. They were taking family photos in the park. 
"Kiyo, stand still, this will take all day if you keep shifting like that." The women said sweetly.
"Dear, hold your sister's hand, it might make her stand still." The women countiuned in her loving voice. It was similar but different.
"Oh, don't be silly dear, Kiyo just needs to learn to calm down a bit." The man said happily. He kissed the women on the forehead. 
"Girls go play, we took some photo's already." He said as he smiled to the small children. They took off running. They played for hours, running and leaping after each other. Playing pretend and tag. They hadn't a care in the world.

But that night, everything changed. 
"Mommy! Kiyo started coughing up blood." The second daughter shouted from the bedroom she shared with her sister. 
"I'll go get the car!" The man said to his now fully awake wife. She scrambled into the children's bedroom and cradled her daughter. She was coughing loudly and profusely now.
"Shh. Don't worry my darling.Kiyo, it's going to be okay. Daddy has gone to get the car." She muttered to her daughter. 
"Baby, make yourself useful and get some clean blankets and water for your sister." The mother said kindly to her second daughter. 
"Yes mommy." She agreed and scrambled off to get everything her mother asked for.

She sat awake at the hospital waiting for her sister to be released from surgery. Her parents going back and forth between the nurse desk and the chairs. Everything was moving slowly for the 5 year old. Nothing felt real. It was like a slow moving movie. Like a short film. Nothing made sense. Everything felt different. She knew her smaller, weaker sister wasn't going to be okay after this. She knew what she had to do, she had to be strong for her parents.

"She's out of surgery now. You may go and see her." The nurse said at the women. 
"Thank you." She smiled. She grabbed lightly onto her second daughter's hand. She couldn't stand the thought of losing her daughter. She held onto her daughter's hand for dear life, how could she even think about letting her go. There were scary people and deadly diseases at hospitals. someone could try to kidnap her or worse. 

All of a sudden the scene changed. Instead of the hospital, it was a dark room. This room felt big and empty like there was something missing from it.  There was a bed and a dresser and toys, the was a small dollhouse with two dolls. A girl sat on her bed crying. The room was too empty. Too quiet. The girl always fell asleep to the sound of her sisters music, but there wasn't anymore music. After Kiyo died, nothing was right. The parents always fought and the second daughter was always alone. She was always sad. Her parents had a plan and losing one of their twins was not apart of it. It threw the entire plan off balance.
"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE." The women shouted. 
"That is MY daughter. Not just yours." The man said back meanly. A sharp tongue. They fought more often now. Since Kiyo died, it's all they could do.
"I gave birth to her." The women retorted.
"You are in no condition to raise my child. You are unsafe and you're a drunk. She's my world. All you're going to do is hurt her." He fought. He wanted her because he knew that tonight he would leave, and he wanted his daughter to go with him. 
"It's your fault that Kiyo died! Why should I give my last daughter to you?" She snarled back at him. He knew that he couldn't fight her. That all of this was a losing case, that it was going to be hard for him to take her with him.
"Fine. Keep the damn brat, but  I am not coming back for her, even if you beg. She's your damn responsibility. I don't care." He shouted as he slammed the door behind him.

Kira sat alone in her bedroom, crying. In the short time span of 2 short months, she managed to lose her sister and her father. There was no one left, except her hate-filled mother. 

A/N okay, so i'm done writing this story: but I need you guys to tell me how you like it so far? I want to know if you love or hate it. I just want to know...

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