Chapter 15

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My father? My dad has a family. He left me for someone else. For a new family. He wanted something better. Something new. Someone else. How do you keep going when you found out the worse news. How do you?

I ran. I ran away from Tamaki and Kyoya and the twins and Mori and Honey and Haruhi. I ran to my mother's home. How do you keep going? 

Everything was moving in slow motion. The house was empty. The house had nothing left. Nothing to the average person who would stumble into the house. But I grew up here. I moved upstairs. I went into my mother's room. I moved the loose floor board. Pulling out the little box. I grabbed the key from the hidden spot in the closet. I placed the key in the lock. I opened the box and saw the gun. The gun my mother pointed at me many times. This was the only thing my father left. It had no bullets in it. 

I moved into the bathroom. I opened the drawer. A tampon box. I need the tampon box. The tampon box. I pulled out a bullet. Everything moved so slowly. I loaded the gun.
I placed the gun to the left side of my forehead.
'You are worthless' I could hear my mother's mutters, even now. Even when I thought I was happy. Even when my life was good.
I pull back the trigger halfway and hold it for a moment. Not even my father wanted me.
I pull back and let go.

Just let go.


The lost princess. (OHSHC FANFICTION) (COMPLETE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora